WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The search expanded Thursday for those dead or trapped alive by an earthquake that struck...
It was a big return to the White House for Donald Trump as the Ukrainian president met with EU leaders in Brussels today. (Subscribe to: https://bit.ly/C4_Albisteak_Harpidetu)...
In Eaton County, Michigan, a 911 dispatcher helped a couple deliver their baby in their driveway after realizing they couldn't get to the hospital. Sources 1/...
Two earthquakes in quick succession shook the Lower North Island overnight. The first quake, measuring 4.3, occurred 10 kilometers east of Whanganui at 10.20pm on Friday....
Attachments summary A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck an area 34 km west of Efate and 150 km west of Eromango, Vanuatu, on December 17, 2024, at...
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