Earthquake Information: Weak Mag. 2.8 earthquake – 5 miles southeast of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, USA, on Sunday July 24, 2022 at 1:43 am (GMT -7)
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Hillsboro, Oregon (9.5 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Difficulty describing complex movement / 2-5 seconds: I thought someone was jumping on a bed on my floor or was somehow shaking the apartment building by making large movements. | 4 users found this interesting.
Rockcreek, Washington, Oregon (7.4 km N from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Single head bump / 10-15 seconds: My room shook, then stopped, then shook again. Make a booming sound. It probably only lasted twenty seconds max. I thought someone hit my house with something or walked into the house, but nothing fell, no one and now I’m freaking out. | 2 users found this interesting.
Forest Grove, Oregon (15.5 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] Very weak shaking (MMI II): I woke up a little before 1:45 in the morning feeling dumbfounded, as if something was going on, but didn’t know why I woke up. I didn’t realize there was a small earthquake nearby until I read a post about it this morning. | One user found this interesting.
Portland (11.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II): I was lying in bed and felt the room shake and the bed started shaking for a few seconds | One user found this interesting.
Beaverton (8.3 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III): I was asleep and felt as if someone was moving furniture in the next room. Everyone felt it in my house. | One user found this interesting.
Hillsboro, Oregon (9.6 km NE) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III): I felt a tremor, then became very dizzy and unbalanced. I was sitting on my seat. I suffer from severe motion sickness and have felt it before with low tremors. | One user found this interesting.
West Slope, Portland, Oregon (13.6 km ENE from the epicenter) [Map] /Mild shaking (MMI IV) /Horizontal (lateral) swing / Very short: I woke up and remember looking at the room that seemed to vibrate horizontally. It only lasted a few seconds. Nothing fell off the walls and no furniture was ever moved.
1424 SW 209th Ave, Beaverton or 97003 (6.1 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rattling, shaking / 15-20 sec: Whole house shook. It sounded similar to a test performed at Camp Pendleton in Orange County, California.
Hillsboro, Oregon (6.2 km N from the epicenter) [Map] / Imperceptible: Dad heard a loud noise and it was around him, describing it as “feeling like he was shaking awake.” I was the only other family member awake and didn’t feel it or hear a jingle.
Hillsboro (4.7 km north from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / very short: It was very short, but we could feel the house quake and heard rattling noises. I wasn’t sure it was an earthquake, but I thought it could have been.
Aloha, Oregon (6.4 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Single Lateral Vibration / 2-5secs: At first I thought it was a gust of wind and then gently shook the house for a few seconds before dissipating.
Ridgefield, Washington (38.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Single head bump / 2-5 seconds: I felt two vertical bumps (it felt like someone slammed the door in our house but no sound) seconds apart.
Beaverton, OR (9.1 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal (lateral) swaying / 2-5 sec: I was lying on the bed and felt my bed sway back and forth. The bathroom glass door started shaking a lot. My kids felt that too.
Aloha, Washington, Oregon (7.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Complex Motion Hard to Describe / 5-10secs: Vibration similar to that of a powerful subwoofer like a high-end svs followed by a sharp vertical head? Pay.
Rockcreek, Washington, Oregon (7.5 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] /mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I woke up to my bed shaking but was half asleep and thought my dog ​​was scratching while laying next to the bed.
West Lane (25.5 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] /very weak shaking (MMI II)/rattling, shaking/1-2 seconds: I was lying in bed and felt a small but noticeable tremor for a brief moment, as if someone was shaking the bed very quickly.
Aloha Oregon (4.8 km from the epicenter) [Map] Low Shake (MMI III): Me and I are watching TV. We all sat talking about the TV show we’d watched and heard a noisy nose/like something moving upstairs and got scared. We all looked around the house and searched online to see if we had an earthquake. 3 a.m., we’re all me
14229 SW 169th Ave Tigard, OR 97224 (8.2 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): I was sleeping in my bedroom on the second floor and woke up to rattling and shaking as if a semi-truck was going right by my window. The mirror leaning against the wall shook the wall but didn’t fall, and my bed shook. I will compare
Burton (11.4 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 2-5 s: It was amazing because I was half asleep and awake, but it scared me more than I was alone and had no one to calm me down. I was lucky nothing fell off my walls or broke, I felt it in Hillsboro, it woke me and my son up.
Portland, Oregon 97229 (14.1 km from the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): The house shook lightly as I lay in bed, but it was definitely an earthquake. Or my house is collapsing. which one.
Hillsboro, Oregon (6.8 km N from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Single head bump / Very short: I live on the third floor, I felt like a bump and shook. It shook the whole building. Wake up me and my son.
Hillsboro, Oregon (9.8 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / shaking and rolling / 2-5 seconds: On the fourth floor of the apartment. Felt like rattling with smaller bumps. Such as distant thunder or someone falling off a bed in the other room and hitting their elbows and feet before and/or after their bodies hit the ground.
98685 (35.3 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] Mild Shake (MMI IV)/Horizontal (lateral) swing/2-5 seconds: I lie awake in bed, my heavy bed shaking for about three seconds. As my door moved and I heard some noises.
Elmonica Court Apartments, Beaverton OR 97006 (8.6 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: It felt like a very big truck loitering outside, but I could feel it ‘in my chest’ and I could tell the whole building was shaking. I live on the third floor of a wooden apartment building. The duration was short, from 10 to 15 seconds.
Washington County, Oregon (14.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Single side vibration / 1-2 seconds: Sitting in my second floor home office, I noticed and heard a wave going from left to right, which would be from east to west. I’ve had similar little earthquakes in my life that I didn’t know that was what it was.
BEAVERTON OR (6.6 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Single side shaking / 1-2 sec: I was lying on my bed and fell asleep. I heard a clicking sound and then suddenly my house and bed shook for just a second
Vancouver, Washington (35.9 km NE from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rumble, shaking / 15-20 seconds: I heard a quiet rumble, a short shaking, then a loud sudden jolt. It was too short. Less than 30 seconds.
Portland Oregon (6.6 kilometers north of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Single head bump / 1-2 seconds: I was lying on the floor, my house was shaking once to my right and then again to my right and then I felt nothing after.
Portland, Oregon (15.7 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 1-2 seconds: Woke me up from sleep, my house and bed shaking/shaking like stormy traffic. I woke up my dog ​​and a group of wolves outside who started howling right after that
Rice Mill (12.9 km from the epicenter) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III): I was lying in bed awake with my phone on, I could feel the bed shaking and heard some crackles. In very short. My husband did not wake up.
Portland Oregon (27.7 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Single Lateral Vibration / 2-5 seconds: was reading with a puppy in my lap, he sat completely on alert after a second, my whole house shook, windows, doors and sliding glass door shook and at the same time I heard a very deep gurgle . Very annoying because I live on one of the hills and slopes….
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Sources 2/ https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/quake-info/6922867/quake-felt-Jul-24-2022-Near-Portland-Oregon-USA.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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