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Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes northern Philippines, killing at least five people and causing landslides

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes northern Philippines, killing at least five people and causing landslides


A powerful earthquake triggered landslides and demolished buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and panicked people rushed into the fresh air.

Renato Solidum, head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, said the 7.0-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous region of Abra province, describing the midday tremor as a major earthquake.

said Michael Bryants, a security officer in the town of Abra Lagangilang, near the epicenter.

Rescue teams conduct search and rescue operations after a 7.0 earthquake hit the Abra region of the Philippines on Wednesday, causing landslides and damaging infrastructure, in La Trinidad, Benguet province on July 27, 2022. Fire Protection Bureau / Published / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

“It was the strongest earthquake I’ve ever felt, and I thought the Earth would open,” Bryants told the Associated Press by mobile phone.

At least five people were killed, most of them in collapsed buildings. A villager was killed when concrete slabs fell in his house in Abra. Dozens of others were injured. In Benguet County, a worker was killed after a small building under construction in the strawberry-growing mountain town of La Trinidad collapsed.

Police Major Edwin Sergio told AFP that with buildings shaking and walls cracking in the municipality of Dolores, people fled outside.

“The earthquake was very strong,” Sergio said, adding that the windows of the local market had been shattered.

A video posted on Facebook and verified by AFP showed cracks in the asphalt road and the ground in Banguid.

“Some of the buildings here are showing cracks,” police chief Major Nazarino Emiya said. The electricity went out and the internet was cut off as well.”

Hundreds of homes and buildings were cracked in the walls, including some that collapsed in Abra, where President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who took office less than a month ago, planned to travel on Thursday to meet victims and local officials.

Marcos Jr. told a news conference he was in his office at the riverside Malkanang Presidential Palace complex when the chandeliers started swinging and rattling. “It was very strong,” he said of the shaking of the earth.

In a chilling near-death experience, Filipino photojournalist Harley Palangshao and his companions were traveling down a slope in two pickup trucks in Mountain County when they suddenly heard a thunder-like thunder and saw an avalanche of boulders as large as cars raining right in front of them from the towering. mountain.

Falling rocks as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Baoko, Mountain County, Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Harley Palangchao/AP

Amid the cries of his truck buddies, “Back up, back up!” The 44-year-old raised his camera in the front seat and snapped what he feared might be the final photos of his life. The truck in front of them was scratched by a boulder, injuring one, but he and others in the second truck traveled back fast enough and escaped unscathed.

“I was thinking there must be at least a record if something happens to us,” Palangshao told The Associated Press. It was a terrible experience.

The Red Cross released a photo of a three-story building leaning precariously toward a road covered in debris in Abra. A video taken by a terrified witness showed parts of an old stone church tower peeling off and falling into a cloud of dust on top of a hill.

Patients, some in wheelchairs, and medical staff were evacuated from at least two hospitals in Manila, about 300 kilometers (200 miles) south of Lagangilang, but were later asked to return after engineers discovered some minor cracks in the walls.

The strength of the earthquake was reduced from the initial 7.3 degrees after further analysis. The institute said the quake was caused by movement in a local fault at a depth of 17 km, adding that it expected damage and more aftershocks.

The Philippines lies along the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” the arc of faults around the Pacific Ocean where most of the world’s earthquakes occur. It is also hit by about 20 hurricanes and tropical storms each year, making it one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries.

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale killed nearly 2,000 people in the northern Philippines in 1990.

AFP contributed to this report.

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