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Philippines: Abra Earthquake – Flash Update 1 (as of July 27, 2022, 9pm local time) – Philippines

Philippines: Abra Earthquake – Flash Update 1 (as of July 27, 2022, 9pm local time) – Philippines
Philippines: Abra Earthquake – Flash Update 1 (as of July 27, 2022, 9pm local time) – Philippines



Situation overview

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the mountainous province of Abra at 8.43 a.m. local time on July 27, causing landslides and the collapse of structures. The tectonic epicenter was in the town of Teum, Abra (17.64°N, 120.63°E – 003 kmN 45°W) at a depth of 17 km, with the earthquake being felt to varying degrees across northern Luzon including the metropolitan metro. Manila.

Initial assessments from local governments, supplemented by reports from the press and social media, pointed to collapsed structures, landslides and damage to roads in the provinces of Abra, Ilocos Sur, Benguet. Water, electricity and communications lines appear to be operating in most of the affected areas. At least four deaths have been reported but the authorities are still investigating these deaths. According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) preliminary status report, there are currently 1,624 people in 16 evacuation centers in Ilocos Sur Province.

government response

According to the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), local disaster response teams in affected areas are conducting search, rescue and clearance operations with the support of regular forces, while the Regional Council for Disaster Risk Management in the Cordillera Administrative Region has deployed assessment teams. to support local capacity. DSWD has 527,000 family food packages as well as non-food items ready for distribution to increase the response of affected local governments. At the moment, no international assistance is expected and the regional authorities seem to be able to respond to the situation on the ground.

Coordination and response to humanitarian partners

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is liaising with national authorities as well as with humanitarian partners with a local presence on the ground to determine the impact of the earthquake. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) also requested UNOSAT to activate the Space Charter for satellite imagery of affected areas, while the Joint Disaster Exposure Analysis (JADE) was released through the joint efforts of the Pacific Disaster Center, OCHA and WFP. (See the attachment).

In coordination with the Dubai Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, IOM will deploy 3,000 tarpaulins for USAID shelter and an eight-person rapid response team consisting of CCCM, shelter, WASH/Mental Health and support experts Psychosocial to the Central African Republic on July 28. The Philippine Red Cross, AAH, CRS and World Vision also plan to conduct assessments in the affected areas.

Agencies planning to conduct assessments are required to coordinate with the CAR Disaster Risk Management Board and share their assessment reports with OCHA.

Disclaimer United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs To learn more about the activities of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, please visit




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