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Small earthquake shakes parts of New York state

Small earthquake shakes parts of New York state


Yes, New York does experience earthquakes, experts say, one of which hit parts of the state early Wednesday morning. And while this earthquake is considered insignificant, could the Empire State experience an earthquake greater than 7.0 on the Richter scale?

The US Geological Survey says this part of the country has been hit by more earthquakes than you realize.

Earthquake hits parts of New York

With the attention of most seismologists turning to a powerful earthquake that hit the northern Philippines on Wednesday, a much smaller earthquake was felt near the border between New York State and Canada early in the morning at 12:52 a.m. says the earthquake occurred near the St. Regis Falls, at a depth of about 3 miles. The US Geological Survey reported that the earthquake had an initial rating of 2.5 on the Richter scale. Sources say that there has been no news of damage caused by the quake.

The St. Regis Falls is a census-designated place in Franklin County, 23 miles east of Potsdam.

Earthquake history in New York

When you think of the natural disasters that hit New York State, you might just think of blizzards, floods, or hurricanes. However, while the West Coast gets all the attention when it comes to strong earthquakes, they happen in New York as well. Most of them are small and have little harmful effect on any surrounding areas. But every now and then the Earth will surprise us.

According to NESEC, about 551 earthquakes were recorded in New York State from 1737 to 2016.

Ramabo fault line

The first earthquake to hit New York State in 2022 was the 2.3 magnitude earthquake in Bonneville on January 10. Most earthquakes that occur within the state are either far north toward Quebec, in western New York around Lake Ontario, or closer to New. York City District.

The most famous fault line near our region is the Ramapo fault line. The 185-mile fault system extends across parts of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and is known to cause smaller earthquakes.

Could something as powerful as 7.0 get this error?

Some say this fault system is more complex and extensive than originally thought. A 2008 study suggested that there may be an additional fault zone extending from the Ramapo Fault to southwestern Connecticut. There are also many smaller faults crisscrossing New York City, and the city may be too late for a major earthquake.

There is also the Western Quebec Seismic Zone, which can produce larger earthquakes that can be felt up and down the eastern coast of the United States, especially for their neighbors just south of the Empire State. This is where the strongest earthquakes occur near us.

The most powerful earthquake in New York State ever?

According to NESEC, the largest earthquake centered in New York State occurred on September 5, 1944. The 5.9-magnitude earthquake, whose epicenter was under the border between New York and Canada, caused extensive damage in the cities of Massena, New York, and Cornwall, Ontario. Severe damage was recorded in the town of Massena (St. Lawrence County), with a number of chimneys, windows, residential establishments and a high school gymnasium reported destroyed.

New York City has been hit by two devastating earthquakes of observation. The first was December 18, 1737, when it hit 5.2 in the greater New York City area. However, since so long ago, not much is known about the epicenter or the extent of the damage. Another 5.2-magnitude earthquake occurred on August 10, 1884, in Brooklyn, cracking homes, throwing objects off shelves and shaking towns in New York and New Jersey.

Interesting note

When earthquakes strike states like California, they are usually felt in a smaller area. But when occasionally slightly weaker earthquakes strike the eastern United States or Canada, they can be felt over a much wider area, stretching hundreds of miles. why is that? According to CBS, the crust over this area is much older, cooler, and more healing versus the west, which is more seismically active. But when an earthquake occurs here, the firmer and smoother the ground is more effective at conducting the seismic waves.

One professor at Columbia University compares it to hitting a bell. Therefore, a strong earthquake can be felt in central Quebec, or even New Jersey, across many parts of New York. Who remembers August 23, 2011, when a 5.9 earthquake centered on Mineral, Virginia, was felt up and down the entire East Coast, including New York? On October 19, 1985, an earthquake measuring 4 on the Richter scale struck the town of Ardsley in Westchester County.

LOOK: Stacker has ranked the costliest climate disaster in recent decades in the billions since 1980 by the total cost of all damage, adjusted for inflation, based on 2021 data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The list begins with Hurricane Sally, which caused $7.3 billion in damages in 2020, and ends with a devastating 2005 hurricane that caused nearly $170 billion in damage and killed at least 1,833 people. Keep reading to discover more than fifty most expensive climate disasters in recent decades in the United States




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