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Architecture and earthquakes | Manila Times

Architecture and earthquakes |  Manila Times


In a country like the Philippines, you can expect earthquakes to occur more frequently. This is because the country is located in what is known as the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’ or the ‘earthquake belt’. Earthquakes that occur here are usually very strong in intensity and magnitude, which can lead to property destruction and loss of life.

The buildings in Bonifacio International City are examples of such structures that are built in accordance with the National Structural Code of the Philippines, which also takes earthquakes into consideration during the design and construction phase.

With this as a given, people in the Philippines have learned to live with earthquakes and this is reflected in the construction of homes and other structures.

said Italian architect Romulo Natti, who is also CEO of Italpinas Development Corp. , “The structures here in the Philippines are generally good, follow a good building methodology and comply with local building regulations.”

During the design and construction phase, architects are responsible for analyzing the site, considering various factors such as the location where the structure will be built and the terrain. For the part of the building, a professional architect turned to the structural engineer.

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Architect Oliver Seaa said that with earthquakes in mind, “that’s the job of the structural engineer. He makes the calculations based on the Philippines’ national construction code.”

While architects are equipped to verify the rotational and functional flows of a structure in relation to others, they work closely with structural engineers in building structures to make them earthquake resistant.

Sia said structural engineers are equipped with data on how to calculate the size of columns, beams and other parts of the structure based on how heavy the load the building must carry.

“All of our plans must match each other,” he said. “The architect’s job is to double-check if there is a conflict with the data contributed by team members.”

Nati gave a few examples – domestic structures are often built using reinforced concrete where steel bars are the flexible component, while cement responds primarily to pressure or weight bearing.

There are other features such as insulated base structures, lightweight building materials, reinforced foundations and dampers that are combined to make structures resistant to earthquakes, especially skyscrapers. Taipei 101 and Tokyo Skytree are examples of structures that feature the latter, which enables them to withstand earthquakes.

“During an earthquake, a structure usually swings or sways back and forth like a pendulum. Sometimes, vertical oscillations also occur,” said Nati.

Buildings not built according to existing laws suffer the consequences of collapse during an earthquake such as the recent earthquake in North Luzon. Photo by Eugene Chua

Although architects are familiar enough with the design of a building and usually lead the project, structural engineers contribute by “tuning” the design and adding more detail even though they follow the architect’s lead.

“But, of course, if the architect’s design is impossible, we adjust and revise if the owner goes for something impractical. The structural engineer will inform the architect of the ideal place to add a column, and we get back to the owner,” Sia said.

Nati adds that the design is not the same everywhere. It depends on the location as each category is given a specific category based on vulnerability to earthquakes. Each category has its own building requirements to guide developers, architects, and engineers.

“For example, an area within Category 1 will require a different set of requirements compared to an area in Category 5. The constructor must comply with the requirements and meet certain standards for the particular area in which the structure will be built,” he said.

Architect Benjamin Panganiban, former national president of United Architects in the Philippines, said property owners should know where they want to build their structures, especially in earthquake-prone areas.

“If they insist on choosing these sites, the applicable technology in construction should be applied in a way that is adapted to such environment and conditions. In short, one has to move to another site or spend more on high technology,” he said. .




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