BBC Weather Watcher / Zingaro Blue As the storm Herminia faced some of the British, many people in Wales and southern England issued a yellow warning...
Ministers have shut or dropped at least a dozen artificial intelligence prototypes designed for welfare systems. Pilot AI technology to improve employee training, improve job-focused services,...
Snow is expected to fall in England, Scotland and Wales on Friday, with major snowstorms expected to arrive in the early morning hours, according to online...
Your support helps us tell our story From reproductive rights to climate change to big tech, independence is grounded as the story evolves. Whether we're investigating...
Your support helps us tell the story From reproductive rights to climate change to big tech, The Independent is where the stories are unfolding. Whether we're...
Due to the storm, the threat of floods is applied to the home and business, and the trip has been stopped in many parts of England...
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