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NDRRMC earthquake status report for a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Tium, Abra (2022) – SitRep No. 12, 07 August 2022, 08:00 AM – Philippines

NDRRMC earthquake status report for a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Tium, Abra (2022) – SitRep No.  12, 07 August 2022, 08:00 AM – Philippines



At 8:43 AM, July 27, 2022, a 7.0-magnitude (MW) earthquake struck the northwestern provinces of Luzon and adjacent areas including Metro Manila. The epicenter was at 17.64 degrees north latitude and 120.63 degrees east – 003 km north and 45 degrees west from Thium (Abra) and a depth of 17 km.

According to earthquake information No. 3 released by DOST-PHIVOLCS on 12:09 AM, July 28, 2022:

Reported severity:

Intensity VII – Tayum, Bangued, Bucay, Bucloc, Danglas, Dolores, La Paz, Lagangilang, Licuan-Baay, Luba, Malibcong, Manabo, Peñarrubia, Pilar, Sallapadan, Abra

Intensity VI – Boliney, Daguioman, Lacub, Lagayan, Langiden, San Isidro, San Quintin, Ting, Tubo, Abra; Baguio City; La Trinidad, Mancayan, Tuba, Benguet; Sagada, mountain province; Paddock, Banna, New Era, Benelli, Sarat, Ilocos Norte; Panayoyo City, Pantai, Cauayan, San Esteban, San Juan, Santa, Santo Domingo, Cenet, and Vigan City, Ilocos Sur; Palawan, Bangar City, and Sudeepen, La Union; Lawak, Pangasinan; White Rock, Cagayan; Cabagan, Cauyan, Roxas, and Santo Tomas, Isabella

Intensity V – Manila City; Malabon City; Bidijan, Villaviciosa, Abra; Conner, Flora, Cabogao, Luna, Podtoll, and Saint Marcella, Abayau; Attock, Bacon, Etogon, and Benget; Banayu, Ilgawi, Mayuyao and Ifugao; Belbalan, Lubuagan, Basil, Pinocbok, Rizal, Tabuk City, Tanglian, Kalinga; the provinces of Pontok, Sadanga and the mountainous Tadian; Adams, Baccarat, Bangui, Burgos, Carracci, Corimao, Dengras, Domalnej, Marcos, Bagudbod, Pawai, Basukin, Pedig, San Nicolas, Solsona, and Vintar; Candon City, Cervantes, Galimoyud, Gregory del Pilar, Ledleda, Magsingal, Nagpoel, Narvacan, Quirino, Salcedo, Saint Emily, Saint Ildefonso, Saint Vincent, Saint Catherine, Saint Cruz, Saint Lucia, Saint Mary, Santiago, Segay, Riot, Soyo, Taguddin. Bagulin, Bauang, Caba, Luna, Naguilian, Pugo, San Gabriel, San Juan, Santol, Tubao, La Union; pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan, pangasinan city of Dagoban; Abulug, Alcala, Allacapan, Amulung, Aparri, Baggao, Crossbowmen, Buguey, Camalaniugan, Claveria, Enrile, Gattaran, Gonzaga, Iguig, Lal-Lo, Lasam, Pamplona, ​​Piat, Sanchez-Mira, Santa Ana, Santa Praxedes, Santa Teresa , the Holy Child, Solana, Twau, and Tuguegarao City, Cagayan; Alicia, Angadanan, Aurora, Burgos, Albano Dolphin, Jammu, Ilagan City, Malige, Naguilian, Quezon, Quirino, San Manuel, Isabella; Bambang, New Vizcaya; Baliwag, Bulacan; Cabanatuan City, and San Jose City, New Ecija; Mexico, Santa Ana, Pampanga; Bamban, Concepcion, Ramos, and Tarlac, Tarlac; Gharbia City, Laguna

Fourth Density – Caloocan City; Makati City, Mandaluyong City. Marikina City. Quezon City; Pasay City is the city of Pasig Pateros. City of Valenzuela; Toplay, Bengit; Bautista, Binmaley, Bolinao, Bugallon, Burgos, Malasiqui, Manaoag, Mangaldan, Pangasinan; Benito Sullivan, Cordon, Icag, Jones, Ramon, St. Augustine, St. William, St. Marian, and St. Matthew; City of Santiago; Payompong, and Diadi, New Vizcaya; Cabarroguis, Diffun, Maddela, Mixed, Quirino; Palanga City, Bataan; Bulacan City, Bustos, Guiguinto, Bulacan City, Malolos City, Micuyan City, Obando, San Jose del Monte City, San Rafael City, Bulacan; Quiapo, Guimba, and Balayan City, New Ecija; Arayat, and Guagua, Pampanga; City of Angeles Saint Philip, Zambales; Olongapo City. Imus City, Cavite; Fame, Lomban, Santa Cruz, and Santa Maria, Laguna; Rodriguez, San Mateo, Rizal

density III – pineapple city; Muntinlupa City; The city of Navotas. the city of Paranac; San Juan City; the city of Taguig; Devilacan, Makonnacon, Balanan, and Isabella; Dingalan, Aurora; Denaluvihan, Lemay, Patan; Bulacan, Bulacan; San Antonio, Zaragoza, New Ecija; White Florida, Pampanga; Talisay, Tanauan City, Batangas; Carmona, Naich, Novelleta, Selang, and Tagaytay City, Cavite; Alaminos Bay, Pate, Pagsanjan, Pangil, San Pablo City, San Pedro City, Siniloan, Laguna; Gomaca, Lopez, Lucpan, Maupan, Mulani, Betogo, Polillo, San Andres, Quezon; City of Lucina Tanay, Rizal; Kapalunga, Diet, North Camarin

Density II – Ms. Remedies Trinidad, Bulacan; , Limere, Lien, Lipa City, San Jose, and San Juan, Batangas; City of General Trias, Cavite; Kalawan, Freedom, Lileu, Louisiana, Nagkarlan, Bella, Rizal, Santa Rosa and Victoria City, Laguna; Headquarters, Quezon; Bunangunan, Kinta, and Father Rizal; Neboa, Southern Camarines

density I – Mapitak, Magdalena, Laguna; Angono, Rizal

machining intensity:

Intensity VII – Vigan City

Intensity V – Baguio City; Laoag City, Ilocos Norte; Sennett, Ilocos Sor; Dagoban City; White Rock, Cagayan

Fourth Density – Tabuk City, Kalinga; Basukin, Ilocos Norte; Bassett, Pangasinan; Claveria, Gonzaga, Cagayan; City of Ilagan, Isabella; City of Santiago; Payompong, New Vizcaya; Madedela, Quirino; Baler, Aurora City, Malolos, Balardale, and San Ildefonso, Bulacan; Cabanatuan City, Balayan City and San Jose Nueva Ecija City; Guagua, Pampanga; Ramos, Tarlac; Babies and Chicken Quezon

density III – pineapple city; Malabon City; The city of Navotas. Quezon City; Pasig City, San Juan City; Bolinao, Infanta, & Sisson, Pangasinan; Bulacan, Guigento, and Marilao, Bulacan; Magalang, Pampanga; City of Tarlac, Tarlac; Carmona and the city of Tagaytay; Gomaca, Lokpan, Mulani, San Francisco, Taipes City, Quezon; Murong, Tanay, Rizal

Density II – the city of Muntinlupa; the city of Paranac; batros. Angat, Mrs. Remedies Trinity, and St. Mary’s, Bulacan; Subic, Zambales; Olongapo City. Batangas City, Calatagan, and Talisay, Batangas; City of San Pablo, Laguna; Guinayangan, Quezon City; the city of Lucena the city of Antipolo, Kayenta, and Taytay, Rizal; San Jose, Western Mindoro; Mercedes, Camarines North; Iriga Town, Bailey, Ragai, and Sepokot, Camarines Sur

density I – Magallanes; Baths, the lake. Angono, Rizal; the city of Calapan, east of Mindoro; Basacao, Camarines South.

As of August 07, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

– Number of recorded aftershocks: 3,063

– Encrusted: 950

Hair: 61

– Size ranges from 1.4-5.1




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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