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Ekta Kapoor celebrates 20 years of Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, she says “ people watched him even during the Gujarat earthquake ”


The C-section of Ekta Kapoor has recorded one of the most popular daily soaps of Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi 20 years ago since its broadcast.

The show, which still has a huge fan base, was also one of the longest running performances, starring Smriti Irani, Amar Upadhyay, Ronit Roy and Hiten Tejwani among others.

On the occasion of the completion of 20 years of the show, Ekta moved to social media and revealed that the show had changed her life. She also shared interesting trivia on this topic with the video title track.

Acta remembers reading about how the Gujarat earthquake occurred when people put their televisions outside their homes and watched the show. “There has never been a more humble moment for me. Thank you for all the love that was sent on our way.” Indeed, it was this paranoia that the whole country mourned the death of the protagonist Mihir Virani in the parade!

In the post, I also mentioned how the channel was willing to give them more money because they wanted the show to look good.

“The channel never negotiated and gave more money because it wanted better quality. But this was the channel’s conviction and support for us. For the first time it was a daily soap at prime time and went into making history, as we know it,” commented on the post.

Icta continued to express its tremendous gratitude to the manufacturers and all the staff and crew behind the success of the show.

Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi broadcast from 2000-2008. It revolves around the Ferrani family and their dynamics with each other. She relied on the married life of Mihir and Tulsi as his mother was completely against the match and later attempted to put obstacles in Tulsi’s life.

Untitled CarouselEkta Kapoor: TV Czarina’s Birthday That Changed Its Function, Changed the Face of Indian TV

Ekta Kapoor, 45 years old today. From producing saas-bahu soap, her K series obsession to her dressed-up characters and mugs, Ekta faced much criticism for her unrealistic stories. Starting with Hum Paanch for shows like Maano Ya Na Maano, Ghar Ek Mandir, Kkusum, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki, Kasauti Zindagi Kay, Kasamh Se, Pavitra Rishta, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, Kkavyanjali, Naagin and Ye produced Hi Mohabbatin, Joint Managing Director and Creative Head of Balaji Telefilms Limited, offers across a variety of genres.


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