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Ghana’s capital, Accra, is not ready for the earthquake, which is known to be coming – Quartz Africa


Two days after the 81st anniversary of the more devastating Accra earthquake, three earthquakes in less than 10 minutes rocked the sleeping city on Thursday. June 24.

Ghana Geological Survey officials described the major tremor, before 11 pm local time, at a magnitude of 4.2 as a “small earthquake”.

While this is not the first time that the capital of Ghana has experienced an earthquake, the frequency and intensity of the recent tremors have left many residents worried about a major imminent earthquake. Although far from the major earthquake regions of the world, “West Africa, Ghana is the most seismically active [country]Dr. Paulina Amponsa, an seismologist and head of the National Data Center of Ghana Atomic Energy Authority, says.

Ambunsa, who studied the history of earthquakes in Ghana, told the African Quartz Company that Accra “is full of many small fault lines and geology is not uniform.” Two main active lines intersect, namely the Coastal Border Fault and the Acoustic Voile region on the western edge of the Metro metro area.

Between January 2018 and June 2020, the city experienced eight tremors, most of them with sizes less than 4.

“What we are recording now are precursors or tremors. So it just tells us that something may happen but in relation to that [seismic] An event will happen, nobody can say … that’s why it’s worrying and we need to prepare. “

The first known earthquake was in the New Kingdom in 1615 and destroyed a Portuguese slave castle in the coastal town of Mina. More has been recorded in southern Ghana since then, but the last major earthquake occurred on June 22, 1939 in Accra, with a strength of 6.5. 17 people were killed and more than 130 injured by the earthquake that destroyed many buildings.

“The earthquake felt people over an area of ​​nearly 300,000 square miles and in places more than five hundred miles from Accra,” according to a 1941 report published in the journal Nature.

An earthquake disaster could be the same size in this fast-growing city with a population of over four million, with large informal settlements and poorly enforced planning and building regulations.

“Earthquakes never kill, but bad construction and building design kill,” Ambunsa says. “Do we have open spaces? We are developing all regions, and this is really bad … in every society, we have to have gardens, where people can move” after a big shock is over, she says.

Despite known risks, successive governments have been slow to implement measures that can reduce deaths when the next major earthquake finally occurs. The committee’s experts ’proposals, which were formed last year to develop a national earthquake preparedness and response plan, have yet to be announced.

Earthquake exercises are not integrated into schools and other mass public education forums to teach people what to do in the event of a major earthquake.

Also, the country does not have an emergency alert system that can be turned on to alert the public when a major earthquake is detected, and people buy vital seconds of ducks under a powerful table. Indeed, the national disaster management organization is struggling to deal with permanent floods in the city and the boundaries of the emergency healthcare system have been exposed from coronavirus outbreaks.

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