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Modern building codes can prevent $1.6 billion in natural disaster damage annually

Modern building codes can prevent .6 billion in natural disaster damage annually


Countries that can prevent the most losses

While FEMA analyzed 18.2 million buildings constructed in 2000 or later across the United States, only buildings with sufficient data were included in its model. In total, 12.4 million buildings were included in the three disaster models. Since the number of buildings included in the model varies by condition, we also considered the potential losses that were avoided for each building analyzed.

In general, Wisconsin can prevent most losses on a per-building basis. By adopting modern building codes, property in Wisconsin can prevent $403,486 in potential disaster-related losses annually — that’s $2,416 per building. However, the potential savings may be much higher. Although FEMA has only 167 buildings in Wisconsin in its model, Wisconsin has 42,023 buildings constructed in 2000 or later.

Notably, FEMA classifies two Wisconsin counties as high-risk and high-growth areas, meaning areas with a large number of post-2000 buildings that are at high risk. In those high-risk, high-growth counties in Wisconsin, Dane has more than 9,000 buildings after 2000, while Kenosha has more than 8,600.

Wisconsin’s potential losses consist entirely of potential flood damage. In total, 368,670 properties in Wisconsin have a chance of being severely affected by flooding over the next 30 years, according to First Street Risk Factor, largely from heavy rain. This represents 3% of all real estate in Wisconsin.

States that could prevent the largest annual losses per building by adopting modern codes 1 Wisconsin $167 403,486 $2,4162 Indiana $9,574 $16.3 million $1,7043 Arizona 11,355 17.5 million $1,5434 Michigan 1, 825 $2.5 million 1,3915 Illinois 2,998 $3.9 million $1,300,670 $5.4 million $1,2537 Montana $1,818 $2.2 million 1,2328 North Dakota $1,426 $1.4 million $9,879 Kansas 3,024 2.7 $88,610 million Iowa 3,358 $2.9 million 85,711 Nebraska 4,342 3.6 million $82,812 Colorado 3,691 $2.4639

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Indiana ranks second, with more than $16.3 million in potential losses averted each year — $1,704 per building. Meanwhile, Arizona — which ranks third — could avoid more than $17.5 million in potential annual losses. That comes to $1,543 per building.

The potential losses for both nations consist entirely of flood damage. The dangers of flooding in Indiana may seem obvious—the Midwest has experienced many devastating floods in the past, with many occurring because the state lies on the Ohio Basin, putting surrounding communities at risk of river flooding. But while Arizona probably isn’t a state that comes to mind when one thinks of flooding, flood risk stems from a key characteristic of desert climates: the monsoon season. During Arizona’s monsoon season, which runs from June 15 to September 30, storms and floods can hit quickly, causing conditions to change quickly.

Depending on the type of disaster, these countries can prevent the most losses

Real estate in the District of Columbia can prevent nearly $2,500 in flood losses per building—that’s more than any state affected by floods. Its location (the nation’s capital lies between the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers) and its flat elevation make it highly vulnerable to flooding.

Of the 23 states included in wind damage models, Florida can prevent the most wind losses at $514 per building—mainly due to hurricane risk. (Another ValuePenguin study on severe climate damage found that hurricanes were the leading cause of weather-related damage in the state, causing $4.8 billion in property damage over the past five years.)

States that could prevent the largest annual losses per building by adopting modern hurricane wind codes 1 Florida $5,142 South Carolina $1,633 Alabama $874 Mississippi $675 Rhode Island $666 North Carolina $397 Massachusetts $358 New Jersey $309 Hawaii 2910 New York 1911 Connecticut dollars 1512 dollars

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Meanwhile, of the six states included in earthquake damage models, Hawaii could prevent the most seismic losses at $56 per building. Volcanoes are largely responsible for Hawaiian earthquake activity, and of the thousands of earthquakes that Hawaii experiences annually, the majority occur on and around the island of Hawaii. The southern regions of the island, where three of the state’s most active volcanoes are located, are the hardest hit by earthquakes.

After Hawaii, the states that can prevent the most seismic damage include:

California: $31 per building Washington State: $21 per building Utah: $13 per building Oregon: $5 per building Alaska: $4 per building




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