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In Japan, wireless operators start a disaster information service for foreign tourists


Major Japanese wireless carriers recently launched a service to provide foreign tourists with disaster relief information via mobile phone SMS in the event of an earthquake or hurricane.

Three mobile operators started – NTT Docomo Inc. And KDDI Corp. And SoftBank Corp. – The service last Wednesday, they will send information such as the number of the visitor hotline operated by the Japan National Tourism Organization and the web address NHK World-Japan, multilingual broadcasting service, when a disaster occurs.

The messages will be written in English, Korean and Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters according to the user’s local wireless operator. Passengers must use the roaming service provided by one of the three Japanese carriers to receive it.

The introduction of the new service comes at a time when the estimated number of foreign visitors to Japan fell to just 1700 in May, the lowest level for the second month in a row, due to travel restrictions imposed by Japan and many other countries to limit the spread of the new coronavirus.

Foreign tourists wear masks in the Asakusa area of ​​Tokyo on February 1, 2020, amid the spread of coronaviruses. (Kyodo) == Kyodo

The three companies said they had begun preparations for a multilingual disaster information service after many foreign visitors were unable to receive emergency information when a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck the main northern island of Hokkaido in September 2018.

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Hokkaido is one of the most popular destinations for foreign travelers, and many foreign visitors have had trouble getting information about how to evacuate and return home when the earthquake caused the first county-level blackout in Japan.

“Foreign travelers will find it difficult to obtain information about shelters and purchase foodstuffs due to language barriers when disasters cause widespread power outages or interrupted public transport,” the mobile phone companies said in a joint statement.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan is expected to increase gradually in the coming months, as Japan is in talks with Vietnam, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand on easing mutual travel restrictions and is considering launching similar negotiations with Taiwan and Brunei.


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