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Aspects related to the design and design of earthquake-resistant buildings in Romania

Aspects related to the design and design of earthquake-resistant buildings in Romania
Aspects related to the design and design of earthquake-resistant buildings in Romania


In the history of the development of human society, earthquakes and their devastating consequences occupy a great place in terms of material losses and human sacrifices. In general, earthquakes have a volcanic or tectonic origin, but there can also be artificial causes such as detonation of eruptions in quarries or atomic explosions underground.

Tectonic earthquakes are the most common and the energy they release extends over larger areas of the Earth’s surface, and has the most destructive effect. Suffice it to mention the California earthquake in 1906 that caused the longest fault line, 270 miles, known as the San Andreas Fault Line.

The seismic hazard in Romania is due to a sub crustal seismic source Francia and several surface earthquake sources (Banat, Shubla, Fajaras and Dobrogia). The Vrancea source is responsible for the seismic hazard in about two-thirds of the Roman territory, while the surface sources contribute most to the local seismic hazard. In general, the foci of earthquakes are concentrated within the earth’s crust, at a depth of 5-70 km.

Historical sources mention many earthquakes that occurred on the territory of Romania, accompanied by great loss of human life and material damage.

Among the most powerful earthquakes with high destructive effects, the earthquake chart mentions the following: the earthquake on August 22, 1473 when Neamt Monastery was damaged, the earthquake on June 11, 1738 that destroyed the Royal Court Tower. From Bucharest, the largest earthquake occurred on November 26, 1802, which devastated Bucharest causing the complete collapse of the Colței Tower. But the largest earthquakes recorded in the last century were: the November 1940 earthquake (deep 160 km, magnitude 7.4 on the Richter scale) and the March 4, 1977 earthquake (90-100 depth). km, and a force of 7.2 on the Richter scale), which led to the registration of many casualties, numerous damages, the destruction of buildings and great material losses.

In March 1977, the first recordings of seismic motion were obtained, using seismographs and accelerometers installed in Bucharest at INCERC headquarters and in the E5 block of flats from Balta Alba. The recordings were also obtained in Galati and Vrancioaia, which allowed the processing to have a deeper knowledge of the characteristics of seismic motion. The recordings highlighted the type of movement from March 4, 1977 represented by:

An aftershock of 5 on the Richter scale, followed by two separate main earthquakes of 6.5 on the Richter scale. The latest tremor, measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale, occurred 19 seconds after the first rupture.

The extent of destruction and damage produced in 1977 required an extensive analysis of the behavior and damage of different classes of buildings on a national scale in order to better demonstrate the seismic subdivision of Roman territory, the level of insurance required as well as the design. future rules.

The analysis conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Geophysics, INCERC Bucharest and Iasi, and relevant universities and design institutes in the “Earthquake Study of March 4, 1977” showed the following observations and conclusions:

Old structures (built between the two wars) behaved inappropriately, recording collapses and severe damage, because at the time of their design and construction there was no obligation to account for seismic actions. New buildings built after 1963 based on standards developed in 1963 and 1970 had, with few exceptions, satisfactory behavior, despite the collapse of some water castles and the OD16 block of apartments from Balta Alba (Bucharest). The structure of the flexible ground floor apartment blocks also behaved inappropriately, even recording a collapse in the Liziano area. The March 1977 earthquake highlighted the need to increase the level of insurance against seismic action compared to the provisions of the regulations from 1963 and 1970, as well as the need to provide the Territory with equipment to track and record seismic movements. . National legislation, in addition to seismic design codes for various classes of business, must include measures to ensure the protection of population and property, taking into account three classes of measures:

o preparedness measures for a strong earthquake consisting of physical and logistical insurance for the necessary emergency interventions;

o Emergency intervention measures to avoid fires, temporary support, rescue residents from under rubble, etc.

o Rehabilitation and consolidation procedures for buildings damaged by strong earthquakes.

Design codes must take into account key factors to ensure good behavior and to eliminate collapse risks, among which are:

structural type and spatial distribution of stiffness; The most important geometric volumes such as the figure in the plan and the total height; The materials used and their physico-mechanical properties; distribution of dividing walls and proportion of holes; type of foundation approved and terms of incorporation; the destination of construction and the category of its significance; Quality of Execution The effect of earthquakes on buildings is complex and cannot be determined exclusively by its degree without taking into account the above-mentioned factors which must be taken into account when designing and constructing a structure.

The reasons that can lead to the destruction of the building must always be taken into account, namely:

Implementation errors Design errors related to the misconception of the resistance structure, the distribution of the resistors, the quality of the materials, the spatial configuration of the structure, the calculation errors due to the wrong schematics of the resistive structure, the use of wrong methods of analysis, the wrong evaluation of the input data, the underestimation of some elements and parts that are badly needed Errors in the geotechnical data regarding Concerning the compaction of the foundation soil, its sensitivity to moisture, the subsidence and the prevalent period of the soil Errors in the design rules: a draft, even if they are prepared strictly based on the design rules, can be compromised if the provisions of the rules do not correspond to the actual facts that occurred during a strong earthquake.




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