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5 Times That Made San Andreas, California’s Chief Seismologist Laugh Out Loud

5 Times That Made San Andreas, California’s Chief Seismologist Laugh Out Loud


While the majority of moviegoers will endorse Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as he faces an earthquake in San Andreas on Friday, there is one small community whose disbelief will be hard: the scientists.

TheWrap spoke with Dr. Thomas Jordan, director of the USC-based Southern California Earthquake Center, about his opinion of the big screen effort from New Line and Warner Bros. – which invited several prominent seismologists to watch the film this week.

In Marathon of Destruction directed by Brad Peyton, Johnson plays a Los Angeles Fire and Rescue captain who sets out to rescue his daughter from a near-flat San Francisco after a dreaded San Andreas bug is activated along the California coast. Buildings crumble and collapse, ground buckles and moans, fire breathes from the occasional skyscraper, the resulting tsunami engulfs the city and the hotel’s rooftop pool becomes simply uninhabitable. But is any of them possible?

It’s high action with great special effects, but this movie’s script is a bit exaggerated,” Jordan told TheWrap, describing its red flags as a kind of “angry scholarly review.”

The game has begun, Dr. Jordan.

Here, the seismologist shares five moments that defy the laws of science, or make him laugh out loud:

1. “It is an urban legend popularized in the movies that an earthquake causes the Earth to open up into a chasm,” said Jordan. “In San Andreas, a deep ravine forms and the hero and his wife cannot reach their daughter. This is not realistic in the sense that these faults and earthquake pressure keep the rocks together.”

2. The tsunami resulting from the massive shift of the tectonic plates, which struck San Francisco with a crushing blow, has a water level approaching the top of the tallest skyscraper in the film. possible? Not much. “The wave in the movie is about five times the size of a larger wave that could come from an earthquake,” Jordan said, noting that the San Andreas fault mostly runs sideways on the coast. It doesn’t reach the ocean far to create a tsunami as big as the one that threatens Rock’s beloved daughter.

3. The film’s earthquakes registered 9.1 and 9.6 on the Richter scale, but the faults themselves did not generate that kind of force. “The fault has two main points, the northern San Andreas fault and the southern line. The largest event on the northern fault was in 1906 and 7.9 [on the Richter scale]south in 1892 about 7.8, Jordan said.

4. Modern buildings, even skyscrapers, have an amazing earthquake sustainability despite what the movie depicts. Jordan has great faith in what they can afford when they get to code. “Regarding these big buildings in the movie, some of them are just falling and some are just collapsing, but that’s not realistic based on what I know about how buildings collapse. The movie shows glass popping up everywhere – and that’s realistic. But modern tall buildings would do really well. In terms of structure.

5. JORDAN WAS MORE suspicious of a force of nature greater than earthquakes – Johnson himself. “I thought he was cool. He kept his cool, most of the time he did the right thing. There are issues with him stealing a helicopter from Fire and Rescue to save his family, but I think The Rock does what The Rock wants him to do.

The movie isn’t all escalating a Hollywood disaster. Jordan praised the film’s primary safety message for people suffering from earthquakes, delivered largely by Cal tech scientist Paul Giamatti’s character: “Drop, cover and hold in the event of an earthquake.”

San Andreas is open nationwide on Fridays.

Dwayne Johnson Rocks Premiere in San Andreas (Photos)

Action star enters red hot on a firetruck at TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood

Warner Bros. Pictures “San Andreas” stars – Carla Gugino, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Alexandra Daddario, Ewan Grofwood at the movie premiere in Los Angeles on May 26, 2015.




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