1200 schools vulnerable to earthquakes
The Director-General of the National Office of Seismic Assessment and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings (Onesvie) warned yesterday that about 1,200 schools in the country have been built near seismic fault lines and do not have the site conditions to remain intact in Santo Domingo. The face of strong earthquakes.
Leonardo de Jesus Reyes Madeira explained that these educational centers are located approximately five kilometers above or below these faults.
He specified that the earthquake centered in Puerto Plata, which occurred on September 22, 2003, should have served as a lesson for the Ministries of Education (MINIRD) and Public Works at the time of the construction of public schools in these vulnerable areas.
He emphasized that among these schools 290 are large and fragile schools due to the type of design that corresponds to the design of educational centers that collapsed 19 years ago with that earthquake, as well as 25 other schools that were evaluated more specializedly.
In addition, he noted that of the 15 new schools built, at least ten are above seismic faults.
“At that time, in 2011, Minerd got a change streak and nothing was done,” Reyes Madeira noted.
Faced with this scenario, Principal Onesvie suggested implementing a pilot plan to reinforce old and new schools and build flexible educational facilities that would ensure any circumstance based on good structural formation.
Regarding investing in this plan, he stated that it will be subject to the conditions of these schools, explaining that in some cases it will be necessary to demolish some schools because they will not be safe or sufficient to renovate them.
Nearly 19 years after the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Puerto Plata stunned Cibao residents and just 45 seconds were enough to cause many schools to collapse, there is still concern among seismic engineering experts about non-compliance with structural regulations in the Dominican Republic.
Reyes Madeira reported that educational centers were built after the earthquake of September 22, 2003. However, the new facilities and repairs did not have sufficient specifications to protect the buildings and students over time.
“They made it like the ones that fell (the schools); even when we went to assess the new ones, they were already in poor conditions,” the seismologist said during a visit to Listin Diario.
The engineer commented that eight years after this earthquake, the Regulation for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures (R-001) was published, which led to the strict and strict application of avoiding earthquake-prone buildings.
Once this new system was implemented, eight thousand schools were built to seismic specifications, but procedures became more flexible over time.
“A column was added to all the new schools. Therefore, the regulation was applied conceptually, but at the construction level, they again committed the same inefficiencies causing them to have old weaknesses,” emphasized the seismic vulnerability expert.
While Minerd’s Director of Environmental Management, Diego Bautista, who was also present on the visit, emphasized that this institution had made assessments, but not as rigorously as that involved in specialized accompaniment.
Four private universities have also been commissioned to design different models of schools so that they can be submitted to the President of the Republic, Luis Abenader, as well as to the Minister of Education, Angel Hernandez, once their research and improvements are completed.
The participating universities are the Pontifical Catholic Mother and Teacher University (PUCMM), the Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo (INTEC), the National University of Pedro Henriques Urena (UNPHU) and the Ibero-American University (UNIBE). However, only the latter made his proposal.
A seminar
Onesvie will hold a symposium on September 22-23, 2022, on “Schools Resilient to Seismic Events” to address challenges in a national context.
The meeting will take place in the Rafael Solano Lecture Hall of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), San Felipe Campus.
According to the information, the purpose of the meeting will be to share experiences, insights and institutional strategies of Latin American and Caribbean countries that have achieved positive results in reducing the exposure of buildings to seismic events while recalling the 29th anniversary of the event. The earthquake that occurred in that area.
Weak points.
Experts in seismology and vulnerability have stated that the country is not prepared for the damages of a major earthquake.
Their main arguments are constructions on weak or soft soils that amplify the seismic spectrum, informal buildings erected without any state oversight, and the low budget for disaster mitigation in the face of an impending earthquake.
Sources 2/ https://dominicantoday.com/dr/local/2022/09/13/1200-schools-are-vulnerable-to-earthquakes/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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