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WHO urges countries to take urgent action to achieve a cure without harm

WHO urges countries to take urgent action to achieve a cure without harm


Globally, half of all preventable harms in medical care are drug-related, of which a quarter are serious or life-threatening. In the lead up to World Patient Safety Day 17 September 2022 WHO highlights global burden of drug harm. The elderly population is one of the most at-risk groups for harm from medication, especially those who take multiple medications. High rates of drug-related harm are also seen in surgical care, intensive care, and emergency medicine.

“Medications are powerful means of health protection. But drugs that are wrongly prescribed, taken the wrong way or are of poor quality can cause serious harm,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “No one should be harmed while seeking care.”

Unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a major cause of injury and avoidable harm in health care systems worldwide. The global cost associated with medication errors has been estimated at $42 billion annually. Medication errors occur due to systemic problems and/or human factors such as fatigue, poor environmental conditions, or staff shortages that affect prescribing, prescribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring practices. These mistakes can lead to serious injury, disability and even death.

World Patient Safety Day aims to increase public understanding and engagement and encourage countries to promote safety in healthcare. This year there is a special focus on drug safety with the slogan ‘Drugs without harm’. The campaign will also see the consolidation of the ongoing World Health Organization Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medicines without harmwith the goal of globally reducing avoidable harm caused by medicines.

WHO advocates urgent improvement of strategies to reduce drug-related harm in key risk areas. Furthermore, it works with partners to develop a range of technical resources on drug safety, including policy briefs and drug safety solutions such as Drug Safety for Sound-Alikes (LASA). LASA drugs may look or sound similar to each other, either by generic or brand name. They may have similar packaging, similar sounding or similar spelling names.

Flaws in prescribing systems are a major contributor to drug-related harm, along with human error. Evidence has shown that more than half of all drug harm occurs at the stage when drugs are prescribed and when patients take them due to inadequate monitoring. The biggest risk category for drug-related harm is antibiotics, but drugs such as sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, and heart and blood pressure drugs also pose significant risks.

WHO calls on stakeholders to continue efforts to reduce drug-related harm, develop strategies and structures to improve drug safety at local, national, regional and global levels and pledge to adopt Medicines without harm Challenge.

Note to editors

World Patient Safety Day was established by the World Health Assembly (resolution WHA72.6) in 2019, with the aim of increasing public awareness and engagement, improving global understanding and working on global solidarity and action by countries and partners to promote safety in health care. Each year a theme is chosen to shine a light on a priority area critical to patient safety. World Patient Safety Day 2022 is dedicated to the safety of medicines.




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