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According to NASA, Mexico moved 45 cm due to the Oaxaca earthquake


It is estimated that the Oaxaca earthquake cost 10 lives, nearly one hundred people were sent to hospital, and NASA accounts and photos were created with the help of their Japanese counterpart. This state is from Mexico where about a quarter of all earthquakes in the country originate

In most parts of Mexico, earthquakes are one of the most natural phenomena that citizens know a lot. Not only is it a relatively frequent event. Also because in recent decades there has been a series of movements that have caused countless material damage. In addition to their great destructive power, they also represent a great topic of study for agencies like NASA.

All this preamble is relevant to news reported by UNO TV. It appears that the United States (USA) NASA was analyzing part of the aftermath of the earthquake with a focus center in Oaxaca on June 23. This is through its disaster program. Through a post on Twitter, the foundation revealed that satellite maps show a 45 cm offset as this movement originated.

Our disaster program studies the effects of the 7.4-magnitude earthquake near Oaxaca, Mexico. This surface displacement map, which uses data from JAXA_en, shows a displacement of approximately 0.45 meters near the epicenter of the earthquake

– NASA in Spanish (NASA_es) July 2, 2020

To complete the alien data tour initiated by NASA’s Earthquake on June 23, the National Seismological Service (SSN) also released some data on the earthquake. According to La Voz de Michoacán, since the first movement was recorded, the Mexican agency has discovered more than 5,000 aftershocks. Of course, none of them reached the same level as the original event. As for the strongest “echo”, he got only 5.5.

What is the use of NASA for earthquake analysis in Mexico?

For several months now, the US agency has been in the spotlight relatively frequently. The last was a few days ago, when a former NASA employee released a fragrance presumed to smell outer space. In May, it successfully launched a mission to the International Space Station (ISS) from SpaceX command. In late June, he signed a contract with Virgin Galactic to help him find special clients for space travel.

Related notes

Returning to the strange truth of NASA, what is the agency helpful for studying a phenomenon affecting Mexico? Strictly speaking, these types of accidents help you improve any knowledge you have of natural disasters that can affect seismic regions in the United States. Likewise, it must be remembered that the Oaxaca earthquake triggered a tsunami warning. A region that may have affected some areas of your country.

But there is also interest in NASA branding to conduct this type of analysis and publish these types of reports. Remember that the agency is trying to build a name as a commercial space travel provider. This type of initiative helps establish itself as a reliable and specialized organization in what you do. Not to mention that, of course, it acquires a bad reputation among the general public, which further enhances its image.

Brand techniques for all occasions

Since the epidemic has long removed the incentives to run more traditional business campaigns, many brands have followed NASA leadership and focused on brands. For example, Heinz made a mystery with his brand, but to give it to his fans. Huawei, for its part, has recently been part of promoting an art project in Mexico. With a return to normal, many companies just want to get their customers back.

Certainly, publishing a study on a viral event such as the Oaxaca earthquake, similar to NASA, is a very complex way of branding. There are simpler strategies for the brand. According to Sprout Social, a comprehensive social media strategy can pay off. Mad Marketing notes that if you already have another unit or product, it could be a great starting point for another boost.

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