Technical Talk Part 2: Schematic diagram of one HVO technical situation
Last week, “Volcano Watch” presented a “technical” role at the USGS Hawaii Volcano Observatory. This week, we introduce the introspection of Stephen Fock (schematic diagram) as an “electronics technician” at HVO through his experiences, from introducing him to HVO.
I started working at HVO in the summer of 1994, as a recruiting employee, under the former Minority Participation in Earth Sciences (MPES) program, while studying for an associate’s degree in electronics technology at the Hawaiian Community College. The MPES program, students of other community colleges and college students allowed me to experience working with the Volcanology Organization during the summer and winter. She worked for three years, graduated, and in 1997, she became a permanent employee of HVO.
Within the HVO organizational structure, I am part of the “Technical Group”. There are a total of five technicians in the group, one of whom is a supervision technician. Our primary mission is to support monitoring and research efforts, and to ensure that data is provided to HVO employees so that risk information can be provided in a timely manner to the public. The HVO’s established volcanic observation network consists of more than 200 instruments in this field. Sensor data is measured from each remote site remotely to its collection server. In addition, we add new facilities to the network, as determined by the needs of the scientific and volcanic response, and participate in periodic surveys to collect scientific data.
The priorities of the group of technicians are determined by weekly meetings attended by the responsible world, the deputy responsible scientist, disciplinary leaders and supervision technician. Once priorities are set, we assemble the components and test the equipment needed for the field station to either repair or deploy it.
At the beginning of my career – and I have limited work experience – I eventually encountered field design facts: “sometimes it works”, “sometimes it doesn’t work”, “nothing lasts forever” and “expecting the unexpected”. As an example of “nothing lasts forever”, I have never considered corrosion as a cause of the demise of a coaxial cable. This cable is necessary for radio frequency transmission.
With a volcanic observation network of nearly 240 stations, I learned how difficult the task is to help design and maintain the network. One of my ex-colleagues coined it “Endless Work,” which has become an intuitive and mantra reality for years. Learning about the network, the environmental conditions surrounding the network, and the development of technology associated with volcanic monitoring devices is an ongoing learning process, synonymous with learning about yourself and others.
Most of our stations rely on 12 volt solar / battery systems, while others rely on 48 volt solar / battery systems and a few 120 volts. The total field station infrastructure depends on the type of sensor installed, the RF function and the station location. Some stations are only accessible by helicopter, while others can be reached by car. Quite a few of our stations are hosted by dignified private entities and land – and home owners … Mahalo. Moreover, we work with county, state, and federal government groups to deploy our tools on their lands to monitor volcanoes on behalf of the public.
Data outages are unavoidable and can happen at any moment, so priorities can shift from day to day in order to return data flows over the Internet. Problems can lead to hierarchy, from power system malfunctions, corrosion of electrical components and connections, archaeological and dated “sensors and devices”, lighting strikes, and immersion by lava.
We have installed a diagnostic program to monitor the operational status of each station; Some of the parameters shown are battery voltages, GPS status, data gaps, and RF signal strengths. Some stations require weeding, fencing, solar panels cleaning, and general maintenance that takes place several times a year. Finally, the stations will eventually become outdated and require reconfiguration and / or retrofitting due to sensor upgrades, electronic devices and / or station degradation.
What amazes me about this job is “How can one job offer so much diversity” and most importantly, the inspiration provided by the Observatory staff – with the implementation of a self-learning process, and a process of continuous improvement, which is being carried out seriously: “There is a PhD in each of us.”
Please visit the HVO website for previous Volcano Watch articles, previous Volcano Watch articles, Kilauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano images, maps, recent earthquake information, and more. Email questions to [email protected].
Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by American Geologists and Hawaiian Volcano Observatory staff.
Volcano activity updates
Kailua volcano does not explode. The USGS Volcano alert level remains at NORMAL (https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/vhp/about_alerts.html). Kilauea updates are released monthly.
The Kilwa observation data for June shows variable but typical rates for earthquakes and Earth deformation, low rates of sulfur dioxide emissions, and minor geological changes since the end of volcanic activity in September 2018. The water lake at the bottom of Halima ‘uma’u continues to expand and deepen slowly. For the latest information on the lake, see https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/kilauea/summit_water_resources.html.
Mauna Loa does not erupt and remains at the volcano alert level. This level of alert does not mean that an imminent eruption or that progression to an eruption from the current level of disturbances is certain. Mauna Loa updates are released weekly.
Last week, about 60 minor earthquakes were recorded under the upper altitudes of Mauna Loa. Most of these depths fall to shallow depths less than 8 kilometers (~ 5 miles). GPS measurements show a slowly increasing peak in the long term, in line with the magma’s supply of shallow volcano storage system. Gas concentrations and fumarol temperatures as measured in both cone sulfur and peak remain stable. Webcams show no changes to the scene. For more information about the current observation of Mauna Loa volcano, see: https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mauna_loa/monitoring_summary.html.
There were two events with 3 or more physical reports in the Hawaiian Islands during the past week: a 3.3-magnitude 15 km (9 mi) earthquake southeast of Pahala at a depth of 33 km (20 mi) on June 27, 2020 at 11:09 pm HST, And a 3.0-magnitude earthquake measuring 9 km (5 mi) ENE from Pahala at a depth of 32 km (19 mi) on June 27, 2020 at 12:58 pm HST.
HVO continues to closely monitor Kilauea and Mauna Loa for signs of increased activity.
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