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Government will go ahead with fracking, says Jacob Rees-Mogg despite quake fears

Government will go ahead with fracking, says Jacob Rees-Mogg despite quake fears


The Committee on Foreign Relations and International Cooperation also wrote to Mr. Reiss-Mogg.

Hydraulic fracturing was banned by the Conservative government in 2019, after a 2.9-magnitude earthquake at the Preston New Road site in Lancashire, owned by Cuadrilla, and subsequent investigation found it was not possible to accurately predict the probability or magnitude of earthquakes.

There were widespread protests against the industry in the years before Prohibition.

Earlier this year, Kwasi Quarting, now the chancellor, vowed not to lift the ban unless new evidence indicated it was safe and would result in minimal disruption.

The government has said that hydraulic fracturing will only continue where it has local support, but it has not specified how this will be determined.

“If the government believes that hydraulic fracturing has public support, it needs to test this by ensuring that applications for drilling licenses go through normal local planning processes – where they will almost certainly be rejected,” Mr. Fiance said. “Any attempt to circumvent this is an affront to local democracy.”

A government spokesperson said: “Making the most of our gas resources makes us less dependent on imports and helps maintain the security of the UK’s energy supply in the short and long term. Drawing on lessons from around the world, we will make sure that this is done as safely as possible. possible and where there is local support.”

Warn the ministers…an earthquake is coming

By Tom Fiance, interim CEO of CPRE Rural Charity

An earthquake is coming. Literally, if the Truss government goes ahead and lifts the ban on hydraulic fracturing. Back in 2019, earthquakes measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale shook the homes of people living near the controversial Lancashire outpost of Cuadrilla. It sounded the death knell of hydraulic fracturing, as a quick suspension was introduced to quell public outrage.

2022 cut and re-fracking in the name of the energy crisis. So in a illogical way, when gas is nine times more expensive than renewables. Not to mention the environmental impact.

The new consultant corrected it in March when he said hydraulic fracturing would “take up to a decade to extract sufficient volumes – and come at a high cost to communities and our precious countryside”.

Nothing has changed.

The leaked British Geological Survey report shows that there has been no progress in predicting or reducing earthquakes associated with fracturing. Homes and lives will continue to be damaged. Our countryside will remain industrial. Air and water will still be at risk of contamination.

Determined to impose fracking on unwilling communities, the government is moving goal posts. From bans unless proven safe, we are now told ‘as safe as possible’ will suffice.

Fossil-fuel conglomerates wring their hands in glee at the thought of the exorbitant profits that may have at least paid off in word to the locals. Instead, they advocate that societies be stripped of their right to object. Gas companies know that local democracy will stand in their way. They know that if people have an opinion, they will be unequivocal. Years of surveys show opposition to hydraulic fracturing hovering around the 75 percent mark, in direct contrast to the same percentage approving of renewable energy.

Devil’s Playground from gas wells

We need to be clear about what is at stake here. Not only the environment, but the democratic right of the public to veto its destruction. If the government believes fracking has public support, it should test that by ensuring that applications for drilling licenses go through normal local planning processes – where they will almost certainly be rejected. Any attempt to circumvent this is an affront to local democracy.

The most seismic backlash will be from the cracking of the countryside and the damage to the country houses. The anger of local communities would be beyond Richter’s scope.

Breaking statement commitment is one thing. Countryside breaking is another thing.

Within days of cracking raising its ugly head again, associations of residents and protesters who had spent years campaigning to prevent their neighborhoods from becoming the devil’s playground for gas wells. These are the traditional societies that are set to be hit by the cost of living crisis. But they are damned if they are bribed and intimidated into submission.

The countryside is on the front lines and ready to fight.

Ministers, they warned.




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