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FiberSense VID+R technology delivers world’s first ‘build-by-build’ impact measurements after recent NZ earthquake

FiberSense VID+R technology delivers world’s first ‘build-by-build’ impact measurements after recent NZ earthquake


Thursday, September 29, 2022, 3:09 pm Press Release: FiberSense

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, September 29 – FiberSense, the leading infrastructure sensing and monitoring company, has shared impressive high-resolution results in its detection of the 5.8-magnitude Cook Strait earthquake that occurred 70 kilometers northwest of Wellington, New Zealand on September 22.

“The digital seismic sensing service we run on fiber optic communications cables in Wellington has detected a range of activity from the earthquake centered in the Cook Strait last week,” said Mark Englund, Founder and CEO of FiberSense. “We reviewed our measurements with seismic sensor records. The results have been fantastic – for the first time ever we have calibrated the impact of earthquakes down to one level of building-by-building analysis.”

“Following the earthquake last week, we first confirmed that key data points from official readings such as magnitude and wave motion through the ground matched closely with our readings. This proved that our fiber-optic-based seismic detection is as reliable as current methods that rely on monitoring stations deployed in The most compelling finding is that because the fiber-based method continuously records activity as the event wave moves through the Earth, our DigitalSeismic service captured the Earth’s acceleration peak approximately 1,000 times more accurately than that achieved by conventional seismic networks.”

“Fiber optic communications cables are a hidden communications network within a city. FiberSense’s DigitalSeismic service uses this web to measure a city’s pulse, block by block, building by block,” said Dr. Nate Lindsey, FiberSense vice president of research and development. Advances in distributed sensing for making measurements of the extent of Earth vibration at locations every few meters along optical fibers, improving conventional seismometers that are kilometers apart, at best. and around populated areas where fiber is most commonly found.This contrasts with traditional seismic networks that have traditionally been located far from bustling city activity.Targeting populated areas adds important data-driven insights where people are most affected, making DigitalSeismic technology a real change in the way Our response to seismic hazards.”

“We believe this capacity will be an invaluable tool for first responders, facilities, critical infrastructure owners, seismologists, as well as government authorities in assessing earthquake damage. While we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can know how to plan and respond to these events. The imperative. It is critical that the quality of the data on which we build recovery plans is as complete and informed as possible. We at FiberSense are delighted to be able to contribute to meeting this challenge and help make the world around us safer and more secure for everyone.”

FiberSense is working with seismologists at Victoria University of Wellington and the University of Auckland through a grant from the Earthquake Commission (EQC) to study the earthquake recordings that FiberSense makes available to the community. Through this scientific partnership, FiberSense hopes to build a bridge to new opportunities in earthquake early warning and seismic risk analysis.

Additional background information on DigitalSeismic findings from the NZ earthquake

Researchers working to understand the impact, magnitude and risk of earthquakes on societies have so far been informed by data collected by individual earthquake readers scattered around the world. On New Zealand’s earthquake-prone islands, this can mean a few tens of seismic metres, often hundreds of kilometers apart, are relied upon to capture data for the entire country. They measure not only the beginning and duration of the Earth’s motion, but also very important information such as the Earth’s maximum acceleration and the direction of vibration. Taken together, this data informs public sector responses to natural disasters and supports our preparations to move forward with an action plan when the next inevitable event occurs.

However, the current quality of earthquake data is about to be shipped using information discovered over the ubiquitous fiber-optic cables that connect cities, connect communities and cross the world. The team at FiberSense invented and patented a new class of sensor systems on fiber-optic cabling infrastructure called Vibration and Range Detection (VID+R). This technology works as a series of “virtual seismic sensors” that are set every few meters along a fiber cable. These distributed sensors can then detect the strength and speed of an earthquake as the destructive waves move through city blocks and even individual buildings. This detailed information about the event is available in the moments immediately after the earthquake as the data is collected automatically in the cloud.


About FiberSense

Fiber Sense Ltd (“FiberSense”) was created to dramatically improve everyone’s experience in public spaces by adding a new level of real-time and historical awareness of anonymous objects and events in public spaces. The team at FiberSense invented and patented a new class of sensor systems on fiber optic cabling infrastructure called Vibration and Range Detection (VID+R®). FiberSense technology is at the intersection of optical fiber sensing, integrated photonics, machine learning, and optical fiber communication networks. They bring these capabilities together in a digital platform that can be sampled at

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