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Great ShakeOut includes tests on the MyShake app and tsunami sirens

Great ShakeOut includes tests on the MyShake app and tsunami sirens


The Great Washington ShakeOut is set for October 20 and will include testing using the MyShake Earthquake Early Warning App.

At 10:20 a.m. on October 20, you are invited to come, cover up, and stay wherever you are – be it at work, home or school. Around the same time, more than 120 Washington tsunami warning sirens will be tested along the inner and outer coast using the sound of real tsunami warning wails, not the Westminster bells typically used during monthly tests. NOAA Weather Radio will also issue an alert.

Please do not call 911.

For the first time, those who have downloaded the MyShake Earthquake Early Warning app on their phones will be tested. The test alert should include the audio test to tell people that this is a system test and no action is required. The MyShake app runs on the USGS ShakeAlert™ Earthquake Early Warning system and can provide a few seconds of warning before an actual earthquake occurs. There will be no testing of the Wireless Emergency Alert System.

Earthquake early warning is a relatively new technology in Washington state, and it’s been available to the public for about a year and a half now. To find links to download the app and other ways to get earthquake alerts, visit

More than one million Washington residents have registered to participate in the earthquake and tsunami drills so far. Registration is not required but it helps us understand how effective our communication is. It’s also free and easy to sign up at

During ShakeOut at 10:20 a.m. on 10/20 we encourage people to get off, cover up, and hang on wherever they are – work, home, school, a walk in the park or the mall. Exercising builds muscle memory when the real earthquake comes. If October 20th isn’t for you, you can take part in a time that suits you most – and most importantly just practice.

During the event, use #ShakeOut on social media to join the many other people across the country who are posting pictures of themselves under desks or using proper earthquake protection techniques. You can also tag our Twitter account at waShakeOut.

The exercise only takes about five minutes, but you and your family are encouraged to take extra steps such as formulating a communications plan, making an out-of-state connection, or stocking pitchers of water—set up at least one gallon of water per person per day. Every step you take to prepare helps make Washington more resilient in the face of disasters and will make even a major event like an earthquake less of an impact on you and your family.

If you’re on the coast, consider taking the evacuation route – or at least figure out where you’ll need to go to evacuate. You can find maps and how the sirens work at

If you hear the siren sound at any time other than October 20, immediately follow the nearest tsunami evacuation route inland or to higher ground. This is your warning that a tsunami is approaching and you need to evacuate the inundation area as soon as possible. If you are on the coast and feel the ground shaking, drop it, cover it, and hold onto it to protect yourself. When the shaking stops, immediately follow the nearest tsunami evacuation route inland or to higher ground. Don’t wait to hear a tsunami siren or receive an official tsunami warning – the vibration is your warning of a possible tsunami coming its way.

live events

At 6 p.m., October 12, seismologists and preparedness experts will “live tweet” while watching the 2015 San Andreas movie. They’ll talk about what the movie gets right about preparedness — and what’s going wrong with it. We’ll hope they don’t do a sequel on the Cascadia eruption zone. Follow with #ShakeOut on Twitter and follow @waShakeOut.

At noon on October 13, the Washington Department of Emergency Management will talk about preparedness, tsunami sirens, and answer your questions on our Facebook page. If you have a question that you want us to talk about and can’t ask, feel free to email us at [email protected].

At 11 a.m., October 19, the Washington Department of Emergency Management will be collaborating with scientists and other preparedness experts for the Ask Me Anything event on Reddit.

At 10 a.m. on October 20, the Washington Department of Emergency Management will answer your earthquake-related questions on our Facebook page as we prepare for ShakeOut Day ourselves at the state’s emergency operations center. If you have a question that you want us to talk about and can’t ask, feel free to email us at [email protected].




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