Direct relief workers recount the events of the frequent earthquakes in Mexico on September 19 in Mexico
Major earthquakes occurred on the same day in 1985, 2017 and again this year. Direct Relief responded with field medical packages to first responders during the recent event.
Written by Olivia Lewis, Direct Relief
Two days after Mexico’s Independence Day celebration and in memory of two deadly earthquakes on the same day, 32 years apart, the land near the Pacific coast shook again.
According to reports, the 7.6-magnitude earthquake was at a depth of about 10 miles, between Colima and Michoacan, just over 20 miles from the Placita de Morelos.
said Jonathan Mangotech, Director of Corporate Engagement for Direct Relief’s Mexico operations.
Mexico was hit by a severe earthquake on September 19 over several years: in 1985, when more than 10,000 people died; In 2017, when 350 people died; And again in 2022 when one death was confirmed.
Mangotic had returned from the Pacific Coast region where he was celebrating a national holiday when the earthquake struck. What was supposed to be a happy end to a festive weekend, residents were shocked by another earthquake on the same day.
In response, Direct Relief worked with the Air Services Department of the Public Security Secretariat in Michoacan to respond to the natural disaster. Field medical packages donated to critical care patients who were flown from rural areas to hospitals in Mexico City and Morelia for emergency care were used.
Direct Relief Mexico staff work in close coordination with local government, the medical community, and nonprofit organizations, and have successfully built trust in communities that have experienced recurring traumatic disasters.
Since 2008, Direct Relief has responded to outbreaks of swine flu, the coronavirus, and hurricanes, and ongoing support for health care providers, which includes shipments of petroleum jelly, thermometers, over-the-counter products for cuts and bruises, and other prescription medications.
In 2017, the earthquake occurred at around 1 p.m. on September 19, a date Eduardo Mendoza, Country Director of Direct Relief Operations in Mexico, remembered vividly.
“It’s like you’re standing on jelly or gelatinous mold in a lava lamp and then the buildings around you start to collapse,” Mendoza said.
In 2017, Direct Relief responded to Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, to deliver medical supplies and medicine after 350 people died from the 7.1-magnitude earthquake. At that time, Direct Relief began working with the government and local organizations to set up temporary hospitals, bring together medical staff, and day care around disaster relief.
The southwestern part of Mexico is prone to earthquakes that lie within a subduction zone, or an area over a tectonic plate that is thrusting downward on another plate. It is also a rural area that is difficult to reach by car.
The government-run Department of Air Services has a team of 10 paramedics and four pilots working to reach people in critical care in challenging areas like Michoacan, where about 4.7 million people live. Air Services owns two helicopters and one plane, which was used to transport five people to hospitals in Morelia and Mexico City in the aftermath of the September 19, 2022 earthquake.
The department deploys its air units for post-disaster response, most often for trauma injuries, as well as complications with women giving birth.
The aviation department has moved patients from rural areas that were badly damaged and taken them to hospitals in major cities where there has been more support for food and medicine, according to Oswaldo Abarca, who works with the department.
Near the scene in Maruata, Comunetario de Maruata Hospital was forced to close temporarily and evacuate patients due to damage to infrastructure, Mangotic said. The Ministry of Health has installed mobile units in Michoacan and Colima where damage has been reported in at least 30 units. Nearly two dozen other medical facilities were reportedly damaged by the disaster, and nearly a dozen schools were temporarily closed in response to the earthquake.
Adding to the surreal nature of the day, the government hosts an annual earthquake evacuation drill on the morning of September 19th as a precaution. In 2022, a morning safety exercise was performed, and only two hours later the ground began to shake.
This was the second time an earthquake alarm sounded in the streets on September 19, 2022.
She’s like, ‘This is how you do the exercise,’ and then you say ‘Wait, that’s real,’ Mendoza said.
The alarm goes off if the earthquake detection power is 6 or more and urges residents to walk quietly outside.
“No coro, no gritto, no embogo,” said Mangotich, which means “don’t run, don’t scream, don’t push.” “You hear it, but people are still confused because it happens twice in one day.”
This is terrifying for the many who lost loved ones during the earthquake of 2017 and 1985. In 2017, two major earthquakes shook within a month. An 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck on September 7, followed by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on September 19. This year, the area was hit by another earthquake three days later, when two people died.
Mendoza said residents erected memorials to loved ones who went missing in 2017 when the September 19, 2022 earthquake began.
“It’s a painful thing that people experience over and over again,” he said.
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/mexico/direct-relief-staff-recount-recurring-september-19-earthquakes-mexico The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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