Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake Netflix Series Review – Tragic Tremors
As the title suggests, Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake revisits the 2015 earthquake that shook Nepal and Mount Everest. The earthquake was followed by aftershocks that caused fear and anxiety for everyone. Taking into account other shows like High Water and Thai Cave Rescue, it seems as if I enjoyed the realistic disaster series. The one thing they all explained to me is that humans are brave and overcome any obstacle with their determination. Of course, he taught us that, though that doesn’t stop us from feeling in awe of the tales of the human soul amidst extreme despair.
Like any other documentary, PTSD gathers a group of people and asks them to recount their experiences. We are first familiar with geography. A Google Earth animation is used to navigate Kathmandu, Everest and the Langtang Valley. The documentary captures survivors from these three places and presents us with their perspectives. Here are the names of three of them: Arjun is a hotelier. Yuval is a tourist. And Sarah, climbing for the first time. We are told that Everest base camp is made up of a diverse group of people. Not surprisingly, then, PTSD also gives interviews to a wide variety of people. There are not only Nepalese but Iranian tourists. You hear people speaking English, Hebrew and Nepali.
Whenever they hear about a catastrophic event, the speaker often mentions how everything seemed normal, and then they got pissed off of nothingness. In post-shock, a man tells of how he watched a village sway with life during the morning. But after the earthquake, it became a ghost town. In fact, the area seemed so deserted that no one could believe that there was a village in that particular spot. In these stressful situations, we ask several questions about our fate and our lives. The man accuses God of being selfish because he takes the righteous instead of eliminating the wicked. Someone notes that they did not have the privilege of mourning because they left behind the body of a woman.
The 2015 Nepal earthquake is seen as an unpredictable phenomenon. It came suddenly and destroyed the calm. The way the aftershock strikes us with earthquake images reminds you of the ‘calm before the storm’ lines. She notices Sarah slowly climbing the stairs as the camera watches her steadily from a distance. As soon as you scream, “Wipe!” The screen turns black, and the images we receive afterwards show the damage done by the earthquake. Post-traumatic stressors understand how to build drama out of images and conversations. An example depicting the latter can be observed when a man is corrected regarding the condition of a chest in a destroyed village. Is he telling the truth? Can this man be trusted? An Israeli and a Nepalese tell two different stories of their struggle. One says something about the recovery, while the other says that he only asked the Israelis to go to the helicopter because they are healthier than the people around them. As a viewer, you would expect violence to break out between the two groups at any moment.
This difference in perspective is another characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder. Not everyone thinks alike, not even during a disaster, it seems. No one wants to climb Everest after earthquakes and avalanches. However, a man says that he wanted to get to the top because he didn’t want to die an ordinary death. Another person sees this man as a person detached from reality. We understand both points of view without making judgments. For some, the earthquake was a complete shock. Some, like the deputy police officer, knew that Kathmandu’s buildings were poorly built, so there could be a big problem during a disaster. Next, we get to know the porter who warned tourists that he was feeling bad. Aftershock is great because it gives us the pleasure of listening to different points of view. While scanning the damage, you realize that it doesn’t take long for a beautiful sight to turn into something horrific. At one point you may be going through a fairy tale, while the next you may be traveling through hell.
The final result – [7.5/10]Reviewed by – Vikas Yadav, follow @vikasonorous on Twitter
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