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Events on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the 2005 earthquake – newspaper

Events on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the 2005 earthquake – newspaper
Events on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the 2005 earthquake – newspaper


Muzaffarabad: Chief Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Tanvir Elias said on Saturday that his government has opened a special account for donations from the wealthy for the reconstruction program projects launched in the province in the wake of the October 2005 earthquake.

“This country is full of good, wealthy Samaritans who never hold back in charity. We opened a special [bank] He said at a ceremony held at Khurshid Football Stadium on the occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of the October 8, 2005 earthquake.

According to the State Disaster Management Authority (SERA) of AJK, the total portfolio of the entire reconstruction program included 7,608 projects, of which 5,878 (77%) were completed and handed over to relevant departments and 919 (12%) of the projects were. In various stages of implementation. However, work has not yet begun on 811 (11 pieces).

AJK Government opens a special account for donations to be used for reconstruction

In the education sector alone, only 1,606 out of a total of 2,718 projects were completed, with the rest, 515 projects are in progress and 597 projects not yet started.

“Soon we will announce this account through the media and an official committee of ministers and civil servants, of which I will also be a part, will decide to allocate donations according to the necessity of the projects,” said AJK Chief Minister.

Emphasizing the need to learn lessons from disasters, Prime Minister Elias noted that natural and man-made disasters occur everywhere in the world, but wise nations significantly reduce their disruptive effects through awareness, education, planning, preparedness and warning systems.

The Prime Minister directed the Civil Defense Department to develop and conduct training courses in educational institutions on how to deal with natural disasters.

The State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) was asked to conduct mock drills involving all public sector departments after every six months in all major urban areas of the state. He said that the leaders of the local stations of the Pakistani army should also be accompanied in this regard.

The premier stressed the need for emergency crews to be in possession of all official vehicles and buildings to be used in the event of a disaster without wasting time.

The stadium, located in the worst-hit part of Muzaffarabad, had sheltered tens of hundreds of homeless survivors of the worst natural disaster ever in a long time. An earthquake memorial, shaped like a book, is built on its east side with slabs of black marble

Prior to his address, the Prime Minister, accompanied by three Cabinet members, laid a wreath at the memorial after the attendees observed a minute’s silence for the victims of the catastrophic earthquake.

An experienced police battalion cleverly saluted the martyrs on this occasion.

Posted in Dawn, October 9, 2022




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