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Village House led an earthquake preparedness exercise for the first time with foreign residents in Japan

Village House led an earthquake preparedness exercise for the first time with foreign residents in Japan


Japan is considered a highly earthquake prone area. Thus, the Vietnam Village House customer service team in Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, led an earthquake preparedness event for its Vietnamese residents—who are not as familiar as the indigenous Japanese people with response protocols—to educate this growing community on how best to manage in the event of an earthquake.

TOKYO, Oct. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On Sept. 11, 2022, an earthquake preparedness event was held for predominantly Vietnamese residents living in Yashiro Apartments and Yashiro Dai Apartments 2, the rental units of the Village House. This was the first of its kind, and this was a collaborative effort by the Kato-shi local authorities, the Hugo Busaishi Association, and the Vietnamese customer service team at Village House – to prepare residents residing in the rental properties in Kato-shi in the event of an earthquake.

The importance of earthquake preparedness

Geographically, Japan is a region prone to tectonic movements in the Earth’s crust, which has made the nation vulnerable to earthquakes. This is in contrast to the case of Vietnam, which does not suffer tremors of similar magnitude as Japan. As a result of this fact, many Vietnamese immigrants to Japan may not be familiar with the current disaster protocols in Japan, a country where education is standardized on what to do in the event of a major earthquake. These basic measures save lives and are often unavailable in languages ​​other than Japanese or English in a country that is expanding its immigrant workforce.

Preparing a new generation of Japan’s population

Led by the Special Adviser to the Hyogo Busashi Society, Ishizuka Toru, the earthquake preparedness event began with a lecture on damage caused by major earthquakes such as the Great Tohoku Earthquake. It was a vital starting topic for the event as it demonstrated the importance of first responses to disasters of this magnitude. Mr. Ishizuka then went to cover the necessary protocols that the Vietnamese population must follow when an earthquake strikes.

These protocols included what evacuation routes residents could take to nearby disaster shelters (eg nearby Fukuda Primary School), how to live in a shelter, what to prepare in an earthquake kit, and how to cooperate with local authorities during an earthquake or similar. To ensure residents stay well informed after the disaster, the Village House prepared and distributed the lecture contents in Vietnamese.

direct experiences

To further emphasize the importance of being prepared in times of crisis, participants also tested simulations of the protocols. Having donned safety helmets, a key equipment in such disasters, they were taken to Fukuda Primary School to learn the evacuation route. The group was taught how to create temporary beds out of cardboard to simulate the experience of living in a disaster shelter.

The party then concluded with an authentic Vietnamese meal.

Lasting impact on Vietnamese society

In time, this earthquake preparedness event will not only serve as an enthusiastic set of survival measures in a time of crisis, but will also help the Vietnamese people of Vietnamese descent in the ownership of this village home – who make up 60% of the apartment population – to establish strong roots with the Japanese community the biggest.

About the village house

Village House provides high quality rental properties with easy procedures at affordable prices in Japan. Starting at 20,000 per month, explore exclusive promotions and discover new life in one of our low cost units today!

About the Hyogo Busaishi Association

Being a country on the border of the Ring of Fire, Japan is prone to frequent earthquakes. The Japan Disaster Prevention Association undertakes the task of educating and providing relief to the people of Japan affected by natural disasters. The Hyogo Busashi Association, a branch of Hyogo Prefecture, operates not only as a relief organization but also as an educational organization for the people who live in the Kansai region.




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