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Nearly Half a Million Oregonians Pledge To Exercise Preparedness During Great Oregon Check Out Earthquake Rehearsals

Nearly Half a Million Oregonians Pledge To Exercise Preparedness During Great Oregon Check Out Earthquake Rehearsals
Nearly Half a Million Oregonians Pledge To Exercise Preparedness During Great Oregon Check Out Earthquake Rehearsals


SALEM, Oregon (KTVZ) – Earthquakes can strike at any time without warning, as many Oregonians testified last Friday when a 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck Lane County. When the earth begins to shake, people need to know how best to protect themselves.

The Great Oregon ShakeOut is part of a global training for people to practice how to stay safe during an earthquake. Nearly half a million Oregonians signed up for this year’s Great ShakeOut-led drill at 10:20 a.m. Thursday, October 20, pledging to drop, cover, and wait for at least 60 seconds as if it were a major earthquake. occur at that moment.

“The earthquake in Lane County last week shook some people and was a wake-up call because we live in earthquake country,” said Andrew Phelps, director of the Oregon Emergency Management Department. “Knowing what to do when the ground begins to shake helps people reduce their risk and better protect themselves to prepare for earthquakes. Everyone in Oregon should practice Drop, Cover, Hold On until it becomes a familiar routine. It is an effective, no-cost addition to their preparedness plan. your”.

Emergency management experts and official preparedness organizations like the USGS all agree that Drop, Cover and Hold On is the appropriate measure to reduce the chance of injury from falling objects and flying debris during earthquakes. When you start to shake or receive an earthquake alert on your cell phone:

Drop it immediately on hands and knees. This position protects people from falling and allows them to stay low and crawl to a nearby shelter. Cover the head and neck with one arm and one hand. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl under it for shelter. If there is no shelter nearby, crawl next to an interior wall, away from the windows. Stay on your knees, bend to protect vital organs, and continue until shaking stops. If you are under the shelter, hold it with one hand and be prepared to move with the shelter if it changes. If there is no shelter, hold the head and neck with both arms and hands.

People with movement disabilities may need modified procedures according to the traditional Drop, Cover and Hold On approach, but the premise is the same: immediately protect yourself as best you can, protect your head and chest and stay in a safe position until shaking stops. Earthquakes can be so violent that it is impossible to walk, crawl or steer a wheelchair, and people may fall to the ground when the shaking begins. Those who use a treadmill or wheelchair or who have other mobility impairments are urged to lock any wheels; bend over and cover the head and neck with arms, a book or a pillow; Continue until shaking stops.

The average number of earthquakes in Oregon is about 70 annually; 15 of these are big enough to feel them. Most are crustal earthquakes that occur at relatively shallow depths. However, the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) – a 600-mile fault located off the coast of the Pacific Coast – puts Oregon at risk of a 9.0+ earthquake. The Cascadia earthquake can cause a shaking or rolling of up to four minutes, followed by a tsunami up to 100 feet high and will affect coastal areas of the state.

“The Cascadia earthquake will devastate the entire Pacific Northwest, affecting critical infrastructure such as power, drinking water, sanitation, transportation, and life-saving health care facilities for weeks to months or more,” Phelps said. “Knowing this makes building a culture of preparedness in the country even more important. Having half a million Oregonians practice earthquake preparedness at the same time is admirable, but it is not enough. We need to work towards enrolling every Oregonian in the Great Oregon ShakeOut as an important step toward Keeping them safe in the event of a Cascadia earthquake.”

Simple, effective, low-cost additional actions people can take to prepare for an earthquake include securing their space by identifying hazards, securing moving items, subscribing to receive local emergency alerts, and enabling Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on mobile phones. People in Oregon, Washington and California who choose to join the WEA automatically receive ShakeAlert earthquake early warning notifications (for earthquakes in their area of ​​magnitude 4.5 or greater), which can provide critical seconds of warning to look for cover from falling objects and prop themselves up.

There are currently two ShakeAlert-based apps available for download from the app stores: QuakeAlertUSA and MyShake. Those with the MyShake app will receive a test alert at 10:20 a.m. on October 20 for the Great Oregon ShakeOut.

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) recommends that people in Oregon be informed and informed of the hazards in which they are living and have a contingency plan and enough food, water and supplies to survive at least two weeks after a disaster. The Agency’s Two-Week Ready Program offers many resources in multiple languages ​​to help people prepare.

Learn more about the Great Oregon ShakeOut and register as a participant at




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