XCHC: the beating heart of the creative community in Christchurch
Having already faced a devastating earthquake, Christchurch knows the value of society in times of crisis. Now in the wake of Covid-19, a popular creative hub is expanding its mission to bring more people together.
Whether it’s a beautifully restored building or an entirely new office building, earthquake reminders take many forms in Christchurch. However, there is a sense of community in the city that goes beyond buildings, and is nurtured through creative projects like XCHC: Exchange Christchurch.
The converted pickle factory, located in an industrial area next to the plate rackets, factories, and stadium now demolished, may be unclear, but it is worth looking for. This is more than just an old building. It is a center to revitalize the art scene in Christchurch.
There are four main parts to XCHC: ‘Creator Space’ consisting of 22 artists residing in studios and an open area where artists work; Exhibition space for creative events and exhibitions; Cafe and bar; The residence is at the higher level for casual artist residencies.
Since XCHC was founded in June 2013, over 130 artists have used studios. There are many dedicated art galleries, and the walls are often decorated with new layers of street art. Aesthetic is rarely the same for a long time.
XCHC works as a hub during the week and weekends as well, with artists and art lovers connecting to events, concerts, lunches and more. Everyone is likely to experience it from a different angle – my 12-year-old daughter and I have attended a class to learn how to make pottery, and have hosted “touching lunches” there for 40 or more at a time.
Director Preston Heigl has been helping the arts community thrive on XCHC for several years. He remembers the first time he reached this remote corner of the world – very far from his hometown of the United States – and immediately admired him.
“I entered, in March 2016, and at first I was grateful to find a place where I felt welcome, and soon I felt that where people can grow and find affiliation. I have visited creative spaces before and I am from a very creative city, but I never felt anything like that; almost like Feeling “home” in a strange and interesting place.
“It was different, so I was just curious, perhaps even confused, and I liked it. It was an honor to be among the artists, and the people who saw the world differently; over time I realized that I was one of them. I stayed because I realized that feeling was a gift I could give. To others. “
XCHC says it “cultivates a creative environment,” and describes itself as a “purpose” business, created to provide a “place for creative practitioners to develop their practices, share ideas, knowledge, and communicate with others.” Founded to address a lack of creative space after earthquakes, it has evolved into an integral part of the creative landscape in Christchurch; A place where people meet to exchange and develop ideas.
Restrictions during Level Four locking quickly demolished XCHC 2020 plans and business model. But then a call was made to the creative Patreon fundraising platform. The response was satisfactory.
“We used to track well between one-time donations and new Patreon members,” says Hegel, but then “three days later, a donor raised $ 14,000 to take us to our goal.”
Hegel says the crowdfunding campaign was “opening the eye” in several ways. He has realized how much an individual can make a difference to the livelihoods of the organization, and how it has impacted donor support “and will continue to give hope to many, especially creators who may offer little and fear of losing a valuable resource like XCHC.
“In an industry that is often at the mercy of finance, our freedom has its risks, but it is well worth it.”
In addition to a one-time fundraising campaign, Patreon XCHC supports monthly donations; The number of individual donations jumped from 65 before the closure to 139 after the appeal resumed. This support allows XCHC to breathe more space and space for new creative rhythms to emerge.
XCHC’s founder, Kamiya Young, says the center continues to grow, which brings surprises and creative growth to the community it serves. “I was amazed at how successful she had achieved her purpose. Yesterday at XCHC I was working with a group on a new hemp house project. We heard a woman at a table near us talking and came to introduce herself, and she had three direct contacts to the Kohu Hemp team.”
“This is what XCHC is supposed to do, it literally fosters creative growth by connecting people. My heart warms up when I see it, and knowing that it happens every day excites me.”
So what does the receiver hold for a place like XCHC? Because he embodies the change needed for business to thrive after the close, Hegel says, he is surrounded by new energy and opportunities.
“Some have been inspired by what we achieved during the shutdown and are moving to Christchurch to be part of what will happen next. Our biggest problem now is that we need more space for everyone! XCHC used to be just a place, but now also a community of free spirits united in the pursuit of experiences that go beyond Sharpening the prevailing community … which drives their skills, experiences and creative growth. “
As a community-focused place in Christchurch, XCHC captures the essence of post-earthquake spirit and the desire to create new ways of existence. Now, in the fallout of Covid-19, it plays a more important role as a center for people to meet and create a community.
“It is important for creators to feel safe and taken care of,” says Hegel. “This usually comes when real creativity emerges, and in many ways, it seems as if we are beginning to prepare.”
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