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Drop, cover and hold: White Horse students participate in international earthquake drills

Drop, cover and hold: White Horse students participate in international earthquake drills
Drop, cover and hold: White Horse students participate in international earthquake drills


Students at Selkirk Elementary School in Whitehorse spent Thursday morning learning what to do in the event of an earthquake as part of International Earthquake Awareness Day.

At 10:20 a.m., students practice how to drop, cover, and hold. The session was part of the Great ShakeOut, a global initiative held annually on October 20.

In their classrooms and in the school gymnasium, students trained to get down to the floor and cover their heads. They also heard a presentation by Layla Weston, Yukon Government Communications geologist.

Weston showed the students how to use a Raspberry Shake – a small jeffon that monitors earthquakes. The students jumped and banged on the ground to see the geophone pick up the ground vibrations that were projected onto the projector.

“It was really loud,” said Haruka Ferby, a seventh grader.

“It looked like a real earthquake,” her sister, Olivia Ferby, added, noting the vibrations recorded from the geophone.

Geologist Lily Weston shows students at Selkirk Elementary School in Whitehorse how to use geophones. (Leslie Eminson/CBC)

Weston said some areas of the Yukon are prone to earthquakes because of the area’s geology. The Denali Fault, a major fracture of the Earth’s crust, runs through Haines Junction and Burwash Landing.

“It’s along fault systems where energy builds up like rocks on either side.” Weston said. “Eventually, from time to time, there is a release of that energy in the form of a slip or fracture along the fault, which causes earthquakes.”

The southwestern portion of the Yukon also extends along the plate boundary between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate, making it vulnerable to earthquakes when the plates collide.

Because of that, Weston said it’s important for the Yukoners to know what to do in the event of an earthquake and be prepared for it.

Earthquakes are not rare in Yukon

According to the Yukon government website, a few hundred earthquakes occur in the area each year. Most of them are so small that they can hardly be felt. Medium to large earthquakes, greater than five magnitudes, occur on average every few years.

Weston said climate change does not affect the frequency of earthquakes, but it may indirectly increase the extent of their impact.

“For example, if we have thaw permafrost, we get slopes that become somewhat unstable when the sediment becomes saturated, so if we experience an earthquake, we may be more prone to land instability due to thaw permafrost,” she said. There are some indirect consequences.”

Julia Duchesne, a communications analyst for the Yukon government’s Department of Protection Services, said Yukoners should be aware of the risks posed by earthquakes.

“A lot of people who have lived in the Yukon for a while have experienced an earthquake here, but when you think about the natural hazards in the Yukon, that probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind,” she said.

“Earthquakes are not necessarily on people’s radar. So we hope to change that.”




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