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The new app can be a guide for public safety during emergency

The new app can be a guide for public safety during emergency


As a firefighter, Andrew Leith used to teach Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) how to prepare for disasters. That turned out to be educational classes for ordinary citizens as they prepared — and that meant delivering news that would open their eyes to most of them.

He said he would ask the students, “Who do you think would come to help if your house caught fire during the earthquake?” the answer? no one. In this scenario, it may be important for the evaluator to understand how to turn off the gas. And imagine what? Most people don’t know how. So, he developed an app to show them off.

The Dwell Secure app is now available for free to anyone with an Android or Apple device.

The app allows the user to enter information about a house or building, upload photos or videos of where things are, such as a gas meter, water meter, and electrical panel, and can include sample images on how to turn off the utilities.

Upgrades are available at a small cost, allowing the user to include multiple residents or buildings, as well as reminders when things need to happen.

For example, Leith has included reminders on his phone about when his wife’s grandmother’s facilities should be treated. Reminders pop up on his phone as well as on the phone of his wife and grandmother. “I know if I didn’t go and talk about the oven filter, my wife would alert me about it at dinner,” he said.

When people have a broken gas meter, they usually call 911, and the fire department responds and turns off the gas.

But this is not always possible. Where Leith, at the Shoreline Fire Department in Washington, with fewer than 20 firefighters serving about 55,000 people, can’t stop at individual homes during the earthquake. Management should survey bridges, roads and other infrastructure.

Dwell Secure has been around for about two months now, and about 700 people have downloaded it. A few of them paid a small fee to upgrade, but Leith recommends waiting until early next year to upgrade when he improves the app.

Leith said that with the updated version next year, users will be able to include “everything in your home”. “Your appliances, your oven, your water filters, and you can take pictures of all of those and take notes.”

So users get the app and create an account. They may have to call a home inspector, a friend, or someone else to come and find all the utilities for them at first. They can then take photos or videos showing how to turn the tool off early before it’s too late.

Laith has instructions on his wife’s phone on how to run the generator in case she has to if he is not at home. He also has a well on his property and if there is a problem his wife can open the app, open the “water” and it will show her where the valve is, how to close it, and who to contact for further help.

All information is stored on the phone and in the cloud, so if the user loses their phone, they can still easily refill the application on a new device.

Leith said there doesn’t necessarily have to be a catastrophe in the future for the app to be useful. “Just like in Texas a few years ago, whenever they freeze and thaw, there’s water seeping everywhere,” he said. People did not know how to cut their water. That’s why tagging sites would be really nice.”




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