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The Great Earthquake of 1950

The Great Earthquake of 1950


Written by Noorul Islam Laskar

She was born in Shillong, the capital of the Indian state of Assam at the time, on June 18, 1950. Shillong later became the capital of Meghalaya. Meghalaya was formed by carving out two districts of Assam: the United Khasi Hills and the Garoo Hills on January 21, 1972.

My birth was not an earth-shaking event. But in less than two months after my birth, something happened that was already earth-shaking. The 1950 Assam-Tibet earthquake, also known as the Assam earthquake occurred on August 15, the fourth independence day of India, with a magnitude of 8.6 on the Richter scale.

My father, Ali Al-Askar wrote, was working in the office of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) in Assam in those days. We were living in a rented house in Laitumkhrah district of Shillong. I was too young to remember anything about the August 1950 earthquake and its effect on Shillong. But my parents told me that the earthquake happened in the evening, between 7.30 and 8.00 pm IST. Our house was not damaged. But aftershocks continued to appear for more than eight months after the main earthquake. People were unable to sleep peacefully at night. On the lighter side, when the aftershock came in the middle of the night, people were running outside their homes on the streets. Later when the earthquake stopped, many found themselves not wearing appropriate clothes for the general appearance! They ran back to their homes.

With its center in the Mishmi Hills, known in Chinese as the Qinghong Mountains, south of Kangri Garbo and east of the Himalayas in the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA), India. This area, which is south of the McMahon Line and is now known as Arunachal Pradesh, is an integral part of India and over which China continues to make claims from time to time. The earthquake that occurred on Tuesday evening was devastating in both Assam (India) and Tibet (China), and it is estimated that 4,800 people lost their lives in it. The earthquake is noted to be the largest earthquake ever recorded due to continental collision rather than subduction, and is also characterized by the loud earthquake noise reported across the region. It was recorded as the sixth largest earthquake of the 20th century.

Its satellites were numerous, many of them were 6.00 and above, and they recorded well enough in distant locations for a reasonably good focal location. Besides the loss of life and property, changes have occurred in the relief due to the fall of many rocks in the Mishmi Hills and surrounding forest areas.

After all was said and done, the great earthquake of 1950 shone a spotlight on the Northeast as it shattered the region in the social and economic sphere. The awareness of people to build earthquake-resistant roads, bridges, and buildings also emerged.

[The author was a columnist in the 80s & 90s and now  a contributor at The Shillong Times]




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