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DILG Commends 282 Local Executives in N. Luzon for ‘Effective’ Earthquake Response – Manila Bulletin

DILG Commends 282 Local Executives in N. Luzon for ‘Effective’ Earthquake Response – Manila Bulletin


On Friday, October 28, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) cited 282 Local Chief Executives (LCE) in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Regions 1 and 2 for a rapid and effective response during the 6.4 magnitude earthquake. It shook the northern part of the country.

DILG sec. Ben Hur Abalus

In particular, DILG Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. To their systematic and prompt response to rescue operations in the affected areas, where no injuries were recorded and 182 people were transferred to safer areas.

He stressed that the response of LCEs is critical in any disaster, especially earthquakes, adding that their presence and rapid movement in the recent earthquake showed the difference in the government’s response efforts, particularly in areas closer to the epicenter.

“We thank 282 LCEs from Central African Republic, Regions 1 and 2 for managing their spheres of influence during the recent earthquake in Abra. Your urgent actions made a huge difference in saving people’s lives. We don’t know when the earthquakes will happen,” said Abalus, Indian Natin Alam Kong Kailan Majakalindol.

Based on data collected by DILG field offices, Abalos said that 74 of 77 LCEs in the Central African Republic were in office and were at the head of the earthquake response effort while 125 of 128 LCEs from Region 1 and 85 of 93 LCEs from Region 2 were as He was reported to have been at work during and after the earthquake.

He noted that LCEs led to evacuations in affected communities, provision of relief to IDPs, rapid damage assessment and needs analysis in their respective areas of responsibility and the deployment of heavy equipment and rescue. Equipment/resources in strategic areas.

Abalos added that the Regional Expert Committees also convened Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (LDRRMCs), emergency response meetings, and activated all concerned Barangay DRRMCs to closely coordinate, pre-position necessary supplies, and prepare evacuation centers.

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Lagayan, Abra last October 25th.

The DILG chief said 52 families or 182 individuals were evacuated in the Central African Republic, while 442 houses were partially damaged and 14 completely damaged. One road was declared impassable due to the damage and 47 people injured due to the earthquake.

Abalos made special appreciation to the LCEs who were visible on the ground for meeting the needs of their people and responding to urgent aid efforts within their jurisdiction in the aftermath of the aforementioned earthquake.

He said that among these LCEs was Balbalan Mayor Almar P. Malannag who personally visited the elderly who were housed in the Balbalan Inn and took them to the Town Hall for their safety as the building is checked for safety.

Vintar Mayor Richard A. Digala and Solsona Mayor Joseph A. De Lara conducts inspections and damage assessments within their respective jurisdictions while Mayor Rosales William S. in their municipalities.

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