ACT-Accelerator launches six-month plan as world moves to long-term control of COVID-19
- The plan sets out key partnership priorities and ways of working as countries transition to managing COVID-19 as a long-term public health issue
- The plan is focused on vaccinating high-risk populations, introducing new treatments, encouraging testing and ensuring continued access to tools for COVID-19
- The Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator is a global collaboration to accelerate the development, production and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator today launches its plan for the next six months, setting out how, as a partnership of global health agencies working together with government, civil society and other partners, it will support countries in the world’s transition to long-term control of COVID-19. 19.
Recognizing the evolving nature of the COVID-19 virus and the pandemic, the plan outlines changes to ACT-A’s settings and ways of working to ensure that countries continue to have access to tools for COVID-19 in the long term, while maintaining the coalition’s readiness to help address future waves diseases.
Developed through a consultative process with ACT-A agencies, donors, industry partners, civil society organizations (CSOs) and members of the Executive Council, the plan summarizes priority areas of focus for partnership pillars, coordination mechanisms and other key functions and highlights work for sustainment, transition, sunset or holding on standby. The transition plan supports the work of ACT-A agencies as they develop the funding, implementation and direction of their efforts to combat the disease COVID-19.
The next phase of the ACT-A partners’ work will focus on three overarching areas:
- Focusing on research and development (R&D) and market shaping activities to provide a pipeline for new and improved tools for COVID-19
- Ensuring institutional arrangements for continued access by all countries to vaccines, tests and treatments for COVID-19, including oxygen
- Concentration in the country work to introduce new products (e.g. new oral antivirals for those at highest risk) and protect priority populations (e.g. full vaccination of healthcare workers and the elderly), in support of national and international goals
“As the world moves towards long-term management of COVID-19, ACT-A will continue to support countries by providing access to vaccines, tests and treatments,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “But as this plan goes on, we still have a lot of work to do to achieve equitable access to these life-saving tools, with healthcare professionals and at-risk populations as our top priority.”
Other changes outlined in the plan include a transition to a new ACT-A Monitoring and Oversight Working Group, co-chaired by senior Indian and US officials, with a political-level Relief Council going into ‘standby’, with the capacity to reactivate if necessary due to the increase in serious illness.
ACT-A agencies have initiated resource mobilization efforts and this plan sets out the transition to partnership-level core funding and resource mobilization into the regular work of each agency going forward. Based on the three overarching areas of work outlined above, existing financial commitments and the country’s demand for tools, ACT-A agencies need an estimated $400 million for their transition work over the next six months. The ACT-A Center will continue to provide a transparent overview of the funding situation of ACT-A agencies during this period.
ACT-Accelerator is the only end-to-end solution in the world to accelerate development and equal access to vaccines, tests and treatments for COVID-19. This partnership has been instrumental in facilitating access to COVID-19 countermeasures for low- and lower-middle-income countries throughout the pandemic, specifically:
- Providing more than 1.8 billion doses of vaccines to 146 countries and territories – including 75% of vaccines distributed in low-income countries and the majority of doses delivered to Africa – through COVAX, the vaccine pillar led by CEPI, Gavi, WHO and UNICEF.
- Delivering over 161 million tests, more than halving the cost of rapid tests to less than $1 per test, and supplying about 80% of the tests used in Africa in the first year of the pandemic through the Diagnostic Pillar led by FIND and the Global Fund.
- Delivering over 40 million courses of treatment for COVID-19, investing an unprecedented US$1 billion to expand sustainable access to oxygen in LMICs and launching the delivery of new antiviral medicines, through the Therapeutics Pillar, led by the Global Fund, Unitaid and Wellcome.
- Delivering more than 2 billion pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE), supporting health systems to deliver COVID-19 tools and strengthening their laboratories, waste management and processing capacity, through the Health Systems and Response Connector, led by the Global Fund, WHO and the World Bank.
The transition plan can be accessed here.
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Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, Vaccine Alliance: “As COVAX’s lead agencies, our goal is continuous development to meet the needs of the communities we serve. This ability to adapt to the changing pandemic environment and its challenges has helped COVAX enable a historic large-scale global rollout in the event of an unprecedented emergency. Until 2023, COVAX will continue to support lower-income countries to protect their populations. In parallel, we will support countries to integrate vaccination against COVID-19 into routine national immunization programs, while also preparing for surges and other worst-case scenarios.”
Ted Chaiban, Global Lead Coordinator for Country Preparedness and Delivery for the COVID Vaccine, said: “COVID-19 vaccine delivery is most successful when it is state-led and when partners align to support government ownership by expediting disbursements, strengthening political engagement, and providing technical advice and assistance. Looking to the future, it is important to have a multilateral system-based mechanism in place that ensures equity in all phases of future pandemics (prevention, preparation and response) and strengthens basic health systems.”
Dr Philippe Duneton, Chief Executive of Unitaid, said: “As part of the global response to COVID-19, Unitaid, co-lead of the therapeutic pillar of ACT-Accelerator, and partners have improved access to critical oxygen supplies and facilitated the uptake of life-saving therapeutic drugs alongside vital diagnostic tests. But this is not the end, there is still a lot of work to be done. Despite uncertainties about how the pandemic will evolve, we must focus on building resilience at the market and country level in light of unpredictable and rapidly evolving scenarios. COVID-19 has shown us that achieving equitable global access to medical countermeasures requires continuity between pandemic preparedness and response efforts.”
Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome, said: “It’s been almost three years since Covid-19 was first discovered and no one can say for sure what will happen next. What we do know is that we cannot afford complacency. This pandemic is not over. We still need to improve access to vaccines, treatments and tests globally, which means fully funding the ACT-Accelerator. The accelerator has played a key, and sometimes lonely, role in pushing global equity and access to be at the heart of the pandemic response, despite many of the world’s advanced economies taking a highly nationalistic approach to sharing these life-saving tools.
It is vital that we maintain an integrated and equitable approach to this phase of the pandemic through ACT-A, invest in the development of new vaccines – those that can block infection and transmission – and better treatments, and continue to test and sequence the virus globally. Only then can we stop the circulation of Covid-19 and avoid the emergence of a new variant that will overcome our hard-won defenses.”
Dr Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI, said: “Much of the world has moved into a phase of coexistence with COVID-19, but we must remain vigilant in the face of the persistent and growing threat posed by the virus and continue to strive for equality in terms of access to vaccines and other countermeasures. In parallel, we must continue to develop new and better countermeasures, which provide broader immunity and can be produced more easily, while building sustainable platforms for their production. For this reason, global leaders must maintain their support for COVAX, ACT-A and their constituent agencies.”
Dr Bill Rodriguez, Executive Director of FIND, said: “Diagnostics is a key factor in health for everyone and was among the first tools implemented through ACT-A in collaboration with partners in the country. We are now entering a new phase of managing COVID-19 and are ready to work together with countries to integrate testing into routine health programs, ensuring that those who need it can be linked to timely treatment, while remaining vigilant and prepared for potential new waves.”
Catherine Russell, Executive Director of UNICEF, said: “The impact of the pandemic continues to threaten decades of progress for children, so the work of the ACT-A partnership is as important as ever. UNICEF will continue to work with our ACT-A partners to ensure that every country and community has equitable access to the vaccines and tools they need to fight the COVID-19 virus – and to strengthen primary health systems and other vital services like routine immunization that can save children’s lives and help them realize their potential.”
Peter Sands, CEO of the Global Fund, said: “As the world moves to long-term management of COVID-19 and prepares for the next pandemics, the Global Fund will continue to work with its ACT-Accelerator partners to build stronger health systems and ensure equitable and efficient procurement of life-saving products.”
Sources 2/ https://www.who.int/news/item/28-10-2022-act-accelerator-launches-six-month-plan-as-world-transitions-to-long-term-covid-19-control The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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