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From dam burst to earthquake, Morby is back to normal after tragedies | India latest news

From dam burst to earthquake, Morby is back to normal after tragedies |  India latest news
From dam burst to earthquake, Morby is back to normal after tragedies |  India latest news


On August 9, 1979, the Machu Dam burst after a week of monsoon rains in Gujarat and devastated the industrial city of Morbi and its surroundings downstream. Thousands of people died while dozens of roof tile factories were among those washed out before the industry rebounded, thanks in large part to government help.

Morby would also emerge as the nation’s wall clock manufacturing center after the dam tragedy, listed as the worst explosion in the Guinness Book of Records, and the nation’s largest ceramic center after the 2001 earthquake that killed hundreds of people.

“We bounce back hard after every tragedy,” said Cure Bova, owner of Mozart, one of the leading manufacturers of ceramics in Morbi, which faced another tragedy last month after the bridge collapse that killed 135 people.

Residents count resilience among the factors that contributed to Morbi’s emergence as India’s ceramic capital. They say it overcame the industry’s setbacks in 2017 with the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in a matter of months.

The industry has rebounded again thanks to a supply vacuum due to repeated Covid-19 lockdowns in China, the world’s leading maker of ceramics, after 300 factories closed here due to weak domestic demand during the second pandemic wave.

In a June 2021 report, Edelweiss Research said export demand had risen to 35-40% of pre-Covid levels. Exports are likely to reach more than 50% over the next two years. In 2021, the value of ceramic exports was Rs 13,000-14,000 crore. More than 90% of Indian ceramics are produced in Morbi. Products for the world’s leading brands are produced here through an outsourcing model. Morby has more than 950 factories.

Last Wednesday, the industry joined in mourning those killed in the bridge collapse. The industry returned to producing millions of tiles the next day.

Almost everything in Morby and its surroundings revolves around tiles. Thousands of paintings around them and sanitary ware. Almost every road leads to tile related businesses. All other business here is directly or indirectly related to or dependent on the industry. And every second family has one person or another in the court business.

It started with the red clay roof tiles found mainly in Morbi and in Mangaluru in Karnataka, said Praveen Vyas, a local journalist. “This clay needs a lower temperature and less fuel to make the tiles.”

Potters in the area produced roof tiles before independence before moving to cement mosaic tiles in the 1960s.

When he started producing ceramic tiles, the major factories were only producing 350 boxes of 6-by-6-inch tiles, Bova said. “Today, individual factories produce more than 40,000 boxes of tiles with sizes up to 1.2×3 meters every day.”

Dalsukhbhai Patel, a manager at a tile factory, said that people from other parts of Gujarat joke about something special in the waters of Machu that helped them thrive in the tile trade.

Mukesh Kundaria, president of the Morbi Glazed Tile Association, said the entrepreneurial skills of the locals were driving the business. “There is a strong sense of community among us. … There is healthy competition here. We help each other grow.”

Bhuva said the import of technically advanced machines around 2011 gave a boost to the industry. Morbi is among the highest tax sources in the country. “There are many factories with annual turnover of more than INR 500 crore,” said Nikong Vakani, a local.

Morby’s website is also important. “Whether it is to import clay from Rajasthan or Kutch, or the ports from which it is exported, Morbi is conveniently located,” said Jevraj Patel, who owns a showroom in Morbi. He said most of the clay is imported from Rajasthan, Kutch and even from Ukraine and Russia.

There are an estimated 700,000 people directly or indirectly associated with the tile trade in Morbi. “All three out of four of these people are migrants,” said Devesh Javea, one of the manufacturers.

Morbi also has paper mills and watch-manufacturing units, for which the city has long been famous.

Lakshman Das, a tile designer from Bihar who earns €30,000 a month, said most factories provide free accommodation for their workers. “Every woman in our families can find a job,” he said. This, he added, makes Morby attractive to migrant workers. Das brought seven relatives and dozens of people from Bihar to work here.

Gulshan Devi, a Bengal woman who works as a cooking cleaner in a factory, said banning alcoholic beverages meant more savings.

Morbi faces air pollution from tile making and dirt roads. There are also growing concerns about the depletion of clay reserves as the industry has used it for more than 100 years. Unscientific mining has also polluted groundwater.

“Air pollution is the price I pay for financial prosperity,” said Abhishek Pandey, a native of Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh who works as a manager at a sanitary ware factory in Morbi.




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