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Re-circulation of the controversy in the battle of the injection well | News, sports, jobs

Re-circulation of the controversy in the battle of the injection well |  News, sports, jobs
Re-circulation of the controversy in the battle of the injection well |  News, sports, jobs


The arguments made by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Howland’s AWMS Solutions are now recurring after the parties have repeatedly mentioned them in various Ohio courts and before the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission.

Such is the case with a filing last week from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources of Oil and Gas to Judge Kimberly Cockcroft of the Franklin County General Court of Appeals. It is hearing an appeal of a decision by the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission that ruled in favor of ODNR.

AWMS hopes to reopen the injection well on State Route 169 just north of the Nile after ODNR closed it in 2014 after small earthquakes. The company is asking Cocroft to adjust the parameters set by the ODNR under which the Weathersfield Township well can be shut down again if it causes additional earthquakes. The AWMS says the standards now in place are not fair and legal.

The AWMS argued last month that the rules were unfair because they would allow ODNR to keep the company in “regulatory purgatory” if a small 2.1-magnitude earthquake happened again — because ODNR can shut down an injection well and it takes so long to review the incident before allowing it to reopen.

The AWMS instead proposes a “traffic light system” that would activate yellow for a 2.35-magnitude earthquake and a red 3.0-magnitude light.

A yellow light indicates that the injection well will need to reduce its injection capacity by 10 percent and reduce its maximum weekly pressure to 1,350 pounds per square inch, the AWMS reported.

If a 3.0 earthquake occurs, the AWMS “stops injection” for 20 days, after which it can resume injection but only with an amplitude 20 percent below average and at a maximum pressure of 1,350 psi. The AWMS says the “traffic light system” will make ODNR “accountable” for its future decisions to close the facility.

Injection wells force wastewater from the oil and gas industry deeper into the earth as a means of disposal. The facility caused small earthquakes in 2014 shortly after it opened.

What does ODNR . say?

Last week’s ODNR submission reiterates arguments you’ve made in the past about the danger small earthquakes pose to homes and schools in neighborhoods around the Niles injection well and Weathersfield Township.

He focuses again on the potential danger that additional earthquakes might pose to the dam in the Meander Reservoir in Mineral Ridge, which is just over three miles from the injection well.

The filing, filed by Ohio Attorney General’s Office attorneys, notes that the injection well “chosen to drill in an urban area consisting of homes, schools, and businesses” that carries a risk of damage and injury within the three-mile area.

It says the injection well is “less than 2,000 feet from the nearest residential neighborhood and within half a mile of an elementary school.” Emmet Street in Weathersfield is just across from Route 169 from the injection well, and Niles City Schools Intermediate School is half a mile away.

The registry again states that the dam is “the only source of drinking water for more than 220,000 people and contains approximately 11 billion gallons of water,” and therefore a dam collapse “would lead to potential loss of life and structural collapse of buildings and housing.”

He mentions again the Northstar 1 injection well at the northern tip of Youngstown near Girard that caused the 4.0 earthquake of December 31, 2011. He states that the soil and geological conditions of the Mahoning River Valley “make it more susceptible to surface vibration than other parts of Ohio”.

He also notes that because earthquakes are not uncommon in northeastern Ohio, they cause anxiety among residents when they occur.

buffer escalation

But the deposit also provides some lesser known reasons for choosing a sufficiently strong 2.1-magnitude earthquake to allow the ODNR to close the well in the future.

The filing states that the ODNR wants to be able to shut down the well if it causes another earthquake of magnitude 2.1 because the ODNR believes that a “buffer” of 2 to 2.5 degrees is necessary between the magnitude 2.1 earthquake caused by the Weathersfield well in 2014 and higher Earthquakes in northeast Ohio are about 5.0.

She says the buffer is needed because of the history of “surge earthquakes” at the Weathersfield well in 2014, Youngstown well in 2011 and elsewhere.

Only one person felt the 2014 Weathersfield earthquake of magnitude 2.1, officials said. But the filing notes that the injection well experienced a 1.7 magnitude earthquake “almost as soon as” the well started operating in 2014 and the 2.1 earthquake on August 31, 2014. This increase has been called “escalation,” consistent with the jumps in volume caused by nearby Northstar 1 , which jumped from (strongly) 2.7 to 4.0 (on the Richter scale) a week later, even after the well was closed.”

The ODNR file cited a study by James Verdon and Julian Bomer that recommended placing such a “barrier against the threat of earthquakes escalating to devastating levels.”

The ODNR file states that such a buffer is necessary because experts “have recognized that the rising magnitude of earthquakes caused by Northstar 1 and an AWMS well) is typical of induced earthquakes.” She cited the listening testimony of seismologist Evan Wong as saying that “if the injection well causes earthquakes, there is a danger that the worst is yet to come.”

The filing responds to the AWMS’s claim in its filing last month that there should be restrictions on how long the ODNR can study an earthquake before an injection well is allowed to reopen by saying that “the exact scope of this analysis will depend on the circumstances of the event – each case should be considered based on the facts of that.” Defined earthquake.

It states that the AWMS’s suggestion that an earthquake of magnitude 2.1 or higher should result in a “20-day downtime with spontaneous restart” would be “dangerous” and “unreasonably aggressive”. It claims that the AWMS wants to be able to “create an earthquake of magnitude greater than 3.0 every 20 days”.

The AWMS now has until Tuesday to respond to the ODNR filing before Cocroft can rule on the case.

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