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red wave? No, Historic Blue Earthquake: The Week in Michigan Politics

red wave?  No, Historic Blue Earthquake: The Week in Michigan Politics


๐Ÿ‘‹ Happy after the Sunday election! ๐Ÿ˜Œ I hope your sleep schedule has recovered.

Trivia question: What will Michigan soon have in common with California, New York and Illinois?

The Democratic Trilogy: Control of the Governor’s Office and the Two Legislatures. Let’s summarize the midterm elections that shook the Capitol and brought tectonic force shifts to Lansing.

Same thing: Michigan’s top Democrats gained another four years after mostly outpacing Republicans.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer beat conservative former TV host Theodore Dixon by 11 percentage points, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson won by 14 points over 2020 election denier Christina Karamo who has yet to concede, and Attorney General Dana Nessel won by 9 points. She beat Matthew DiPerno, who is still under investigation for alleged crimes related to the voting machine last year.

โ€œWe know this is the moment people have reasserted that focusing on the basics, building a Michigan where everyone can move forward is what matters now more than ever,โ€ Whitmer said.

The difference: Democrats overturned both the Michigan House and the Senate, giving them full control of the Capitol for the first time since the early 1980s.

This is a huge deal. Democrats will control the legislative agenda next January, and they will have a clear ally in Whitmer, Senator Winnie Brinks (DeGrand Rapids) will be the first female Senate majority leader, and Representative Joe Tate (D-Democrat from Detroit) will be first . Black Speaker of the House.

How did they do it? Proposition 3. The constitutional right to abortion defined the governor’s race, pollster Richard Kzoba told Simon Schuster of MLive, as enthusiastic voters went in his favor and Whitmer.

28% of Michiganders said inflation was their top problem overall, pollster Bernie Bourne told Simon, but 43% said abortion was their top issue in the election, as helped by the huge turnout of college students.

It’s a once-in-a-generation phenomenon when you have a reprieve where it’s not just about ‘getting rid of the ruling party,’ said Kzoba.

๐Ÿ™๏ธ A local viewpoint: Big and medium-sized cities and counties are getting bluer, which leads to Whitmer’s victory and the aid of congressional candidates.

Grand Rapids County in the United States elected Hillary Shulton, the first Democrat since 1974, as Kent County swung to the left. Kalamazoo County also rocked the swing state, with 62% voting for Whitmer, and U.S. Representatives, Elisa Slotkin (Lansing District) and Dan Keldy (Flint District) holding onto tight spots.

But Republicans saw some positives:

Six of the 11 school board candidates won with support from the ultra-conservative PAC Ottawa Impact, John James, after two failed attempts in the US Senate, won the 10th Congressional District in suburban Detroit by 1,600 votes, and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Brian Zahra won re-election. But that’s what the current Democratic candidate has done.

The following in the electoral process:

November 22: Deadline for county boards (two Democrats and one Republican) to approve results. 28: The state voting board votes to ratify the district’s results. 1: Whitmer is inaugurated at the Capitol.

2. Sweep the motion: abortion, suffrage, term limits

Supporters react as preliminary results for Michigan Proposition 3 appear in the David Whitney Building on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Ryan Sun | [email protected]

Michigan will have a constitutional right to an abortion after nearly 57% of voters adopted Proposition 3, which smashed state ballot element records for submitted signatures and fundraising.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ Return to Raw: Effective December 23, Promo 3 guarantees a “fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” This includes abortion, contraception, sterilization, and more.

The measure would override Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban, but the fate of some related laws remains unknown, with the third version outselling Whitmer in 82 counties, MLive’s Taylor DeSormo found.

โ€œOur fear quickly turned into anger,โ€ Oakland District Attorney Karen MacDonald said on election night, recalling the US Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade this summer. “And we turned that anger into action because we were sick.”

But wait, there’s more: Propositions 1 and 2 also went through strong, winning 33 and 20 points, respectively. Republicans fought the latter vigorously, but the formerโ€”a constitutional change like other propsโ€”was often overshadowed by it.

๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Prop 2 does nine main things. between them:

Nine days of early in-person voting, more absentee ballots, plus one request for absentee voting in all future elections, enters the basic right to vote in the Constitution, as well as Michigan’s current voter identity law. Six additional days for the military to return their ballot papers.

โณ Proposition 1 changes the legislature’s term limits to a maximum of 12 years with no limit to either House. Lawmakers are currently 14 years old: six in the House and eight in the Senate.

The measure also requires financial disclosures to lawmakers and senior elected officials by 2024.

Dive in: 5 long-term effects Propositions 1 and 2 could have on Michigan

3. The Republicans are retreating and regrouping

Theodore Dixon leaves the stage after speaking at her watch party at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Simon writes, “There is a forest of finger-pointing to emerge as Republicans anticipate a total loss of power statewide, and the party has made their own suggestions as they look to the top of the list.”

what happened? Jason Rowe, the former CEO of MIGOP, told him that the focus with Donald Trump had made Michigan a “wasteland” for Republicans. Dixon, DiPerno, and Karamo all won Trump’s endorsement.

โ€œI think the MAGA forces within the state found their way into all the things they fought for,โ€ Rowe said. “And not only did they have nothing to show for it, the Republicans took a hit even more so.”

A scathing note from MIGOP Chief of Staff Paul Cordes blamed Dixon’s poor performance and Prop 3’s high turnout on the sweeping losses.

Cordes lamented that the Trump factor kept old donors on the sidelines, resulting in less party funding and Dixonโ€”pallid compared to Whitmer’s record-breaking war fund. “The anti-Trump factions in the party, most of them are donors,” Cordes said.

Cordes also argued: โ€œThere was more advertising on transgender sports than inflation, gas prices, and bread and butter issues that would have affected independent voters,โ€ he wrote. “We had no problem with turnout – halfway voters simply didn’t like what Tudor was selling.”

But Dixon responded Thursday night, calling for “new leadership.”

Dixon wrote that Cordes and MIGOP co-chairs Ron Weiser and Michonne Maddock “refuse to take over because of their own failures.” “It’s easy to go out and point the finger now, but the truth is that they fought against me every step of the way and put the whole card in jeopardy.”

Dixon announced Saturday that she is considering running for the presidency of the MIGOP, which will be decided by local delegates at the February 2023 conference.

Campaign manager Tyson Shepherd also told me that DePerno is also not ruling out running, with Shepherd referring to a funding shortfall, with Shepherd saying, “Matt wants to make sure that GOP candidates who are running forward don’t have to endure the same treatment he received,” referring to the funding shortfall.

READ MORE: DePerno Doesn’t Rule Out Running For Michigan GOP President After AG Loss

4. Back to the Capitol: What’s in Store?

FILE: Senator Winnie Brinks (Democrat of Grand Rapids) speaks with colleagues at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing, Michigan in 2019. Brinks has been named Senate Majority Leader as of January 2023. Neil Blake |

The world was different the last time Michigan Democrats had a trifecta, MLive pop culture facts researcher Jordyn Hermani proudly researched the newsroom:

The Catalyst: “Of the 10 inter-council races that MLive identified as critical to determining which party controls the legislature, the Democrats came out with seven,” Gordin wrote.

Expected crash of seats: 56-54 in the House and 20-18 in the Senate, gains of three and two seats, respectively.

How did they do it? Democratic Senator Jeremy Moss (Democrat of Southfield) said in a statement that Democrats have campaigned to reduce gun violence, protect abortion rights, and secure voting rights.

Clair Shores County senator victories included gripper Kevin Hertle, Bay City Commissioner Kristen MacDonald, who won Bay City/Midland/Saginaw District, and Veronica Kleinfeldt won Macomb County.

With the Democrats in the driver’s seat, “there’s not much stopping them from laying the groundwork for accomplishing what must be a four-decade laundry list in the making,” Jordan wrote.

Next House Speaker Joe Tate spoke about health care, gun safety regulations, government transparency, education, and workers’ rights.

“I think you’ll see a policy that improves lives and is popular with people all over the state,” said Winnie Brinks, the next Senate Majority Leader.

But remember: their government house advantage is narrow.

Democrats can only afford one defector in each House if they need a partisan vote on a bill. The new Legislative Council will enter into force after December 31…

Read more from MLive:

10 ways Michigan made history and beyond

Representative Joe Tate makes history as the first black legislator to lead Michigan House

Brinks makes history as Michigan’s first Senate majority leader, Nesbit leads Senate minority

Incumbent justices win re-election to the Michigan Supreme Court

Find out who was elected to 3 University of Michigan boards

What are Michigan’s Election Recount Laws and Procedures?




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