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Indonesian rescuers focus on landslides as the death toll from the earthquake rises

Indonesian rescuers focus on landslides as the death toll from the earthquake rises


CIAANUR, Indonesia (AP) — On the fourth day of an increasingly urgent search, Indonesian rescuers limited their work Thursday to a landslide as dozens are believed to be trapped after an earthquake killed at least 271 people, more than a third of them children.

Several of the 1,000-plus rescue personnel are using backhoe loaders, sniffer dogs and life detectors – as well as jackhammers and bare hands – to speed up the search in the worst-hit area in the village of Cijendil, where people are believed to be still trapped after the landslide that hit them. Monday’s earthquake slammed tons of mud, rocks and trees into the Kojinang sub-district.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited Cianjur on Thursday and said their focus would be on one location where 39 people remain missing.

Research will be our top priority at this time. Focus there. This afternoon we will focus on this single point of discussion,” Widodo said.

“Steep conditions and it’s still raining and there are still aftershocks. The soil is unstable, so you have to be careful,” he said. But the Minister of Public Works ordered his staff, who are used to doing cutting and filling. I think that can be done soon.”

He added that there are also obstacles in distributing supplies to the wounded and the displaced, who are spread out and difficult to reach.

“We hope all the victims will be found soon,” Henri Alfiande, head of the National Search and Rescue Agency, said Thursday.

On Wednesday, researchers rescued a 6-year-old boy who had been trapped for two days under the rubble of his collapsed home.

More than 2,000 people were injured in the earthquake, which displaced at least 61,000 people to evacuation centers and other shelters after at least 56,000 homes were damaged. The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said 171 public facilities were destroyed, including 31 schools.

Suharyanto, the head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, said 100 of the 271 confirmed deaths were children.

Rescue efforts were temporarily suspended on Wednesday with heavy monsoon rains.

Monday’s 5.6-magnitude earthquake is not usually expected to cause major damage. But the quake was shallow and shook a densely populated area that lacked earthquake-proof infrastructure. Weak aftershocks continued into Thursday morning.

More than 2.5 million people live in the mountainous region of Cianjur, including about 175,000 in its main town, of the same name.

President Joko Widodo visited Cianjur on Tuesday and pledged to rebuild its infrastructure and provide assistance of up to 50 million rupees ($3,180) for each resident whose house was damaged.

Indonesia is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis because of its location on the volcanic arc and fault lines in the Pacific basin known as the “Ring of Fire”.




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