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21 years after the devastating earthquake, Bhoj is yearning for planned industrialization without disturbing the environment

21 years after the devastating earthquake, Bhoj is yearning for planned industrialization without disturbing the environment


Two decades after the devastating earthquake in Gujarat’s Bhuj, the Kutch region may have experienced unprecedented industrial growth, but the city’s ecologists and veterans worry whether Bhuj has learned its lessons and prepared for such a natural disaster.

In January 2001, a massive earthquake struck Bhuj town and Kutch district, killing more than 20,000 people, destroying thousands of homes, and displacing large numbers of residents.

After the earthquake, the Gujarat government announced a major reconstruction and rehabilitation policy, under which the region has experienced unprecedented industrial growth in the past two decades.

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Scientists and environmentalists feel that since Kutch is one of the seismically active regions of the country, management should be more careful while carrying out developmental activities such as industrialization and town planning.

As elections approach, earthquake survivors and scientists urge political parties to take note of the warning signs before it’s too late.

Bhoj Assembly constituency will go to the polls on December 1, which is the first phase of the Gujarat elections.

Professor M. said. c. Thakkar, Chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at KSKV Kachchh University, says Kachchh has several “active fault lines,” one of which runs through the town of Bhuj itself.

“There are many research papers in which we have indicated these fault lines. After 2010, the Ministry of Science assigned us different projects to draw these fault lines. But the thing is that we do not take this scientific result into account while planning cities,” Dhokkar told PTI.

He wondered whether, even after two decades, the region was well prepared for the catastrophic 2001 Bhuj earthquake in the future. “Are we ready to face such a natural disaster? The answer is no. Even after two decades, we are still not ready. Disaster management is still not strong if anything of this magnitude hits us again. We have to keep the masses prepared,” said Thakkar, a survivor of the disaster. Bhuj earthquake.

He believed that development projects should be approved after consulting the detailed research work on earthquake fault lines in the region.

Kutch district collector Dilip Rana said town planning and industrialization are being carried out keeping ecological balance and earthquake-prone area in mind.

“All necessary measures have been put in place, everything is done according to standards and if anyone comes to us with a problem,” the collector said.

Echoing Thakkar, Bharat Patel, President of the Kutch Fishermen’s Association, said the rapid industrialization in the region’s port areas has had a massive impact on the marine environment of the region. “Development and industrialization are good for all of us. But it must be done in a planned manner. So that others are not affected. Industrialization along the coast affects the marine environment. The amount of fish we used to get is also slow decreasing in our area.”

Adam Chaki, a social worker who did relief work during the Bhuj earthquake, said management should be more proactive in sensitizing the public to protect themselves and survive during the quake. “Most families do not have an earthquake kit in their homes. The earthquake has created an unprecedented development, but we need to prepare for any natural disaster in the future,” he said.

Bhuj constituency, which has around 2.80 lakh voters, has one of the highest minority populations in the district, constituting around 15 per cent of the electorate. It has been a traditional congressional seat since the late 1960s; However, the seat was wrested from the Congress by the Bharatiya Janata Party in 1990, following the wave of the Ram Mandir movement.

However, the post-2002 riots in Godhra, a seat with a significant minority population, were lost by the BJP to Congress, only to regain it in 2007.

Since then, it has been considered the Saffron Castle. The BJP, this time, did not give a ticket to the two-time sitting MLA and assembly speaker Nimaben Acharya.

Instead, the BJP nominated party leader Kishubhai Patel, who is known for his organizing abilities.

According to BJP sources, there is a hidden tension within the district unit over the replacement of Acharya, who is very influential in the party.

In 2017, the Bharatiya Janata Party won the seat with more than 50 percent of the votes polled. “We are confident of achieving victory. The kind of development that has taken place in Bhuj in the last 10 decades under BJP rule is unparalleled. It will take at least 100 years to match the development of Bhuj with other backward regions of the country,” said Ghanshyam Thakkar, BJP constituency chief. Janata Bhoj.

On the other hand, Congress is silently campaigning in the district and counting on anti-incumbency against the BJP government in the state to grab the seat.

Congress gave the ticket to Arjan Boudia. However, the entry of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and AIMIM led by Assad Al-Din Al-Owaisi has sparked a four-cornered battle and is likely to throw a handful of prospects into Congress, which in 2017 received 42 percent of the total votes polled. .

AAP, with its freshness and emphasis on local civic issues such as water, health and education, is reaching out to the masses, as its candidate, Rajesh Bindura, visits every household in the constituency.

AIMIM has given a ticket to Sakel Sama, and the party has cut all its way to reach out to minorities by offering itself as an alternative to Congress.




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