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Kawakin Core-Tech Provides “Total Solutions” to Earthquake Disasters, Enters the Philippine Market

Kawakin Core-Tech Provides “Total Solutions” to Earthquake Disasters, Enters the Philippine Market

November 29, 2022 | 9:33am

Manila, Philippines – With over 70 years of experience and knowledge on innovative, disaster-resistant city development and aging infrastructure renovation, Kawakin Core-Tech Co., Ltd. Recently on the company’s operational expansion.

Starting with traditional safety and security manufacturing, the giant manufacturer of a wide range of seismic and structural devices now offers a one-stop solution by making its expertise in structural analysis, inspection and maintenance available in Japan and in the international market.

Seismic and structural devices are used in many buildings, including residential and commercial buildings and even bridges in Japan, where earthquakes occur more frequently than in the rest of the world. Kawakin Core-Tech’s seismic and structural devices reduce seismic forces and absorb vibrations caused by earthquakes to prevent damage to key parts of buildings such as columns and beams.

In addition to preventing buildings from collapsing and bridges from falling over, the technology used ensures that the devices can be used even after a major disaster.

In the midst of the recent wave of large-scale disasters in Japan, an earthquake-prone country, the technology and knowledge that Kawakin Core-Tech has gained over the years is becoming increasingly important as a core safety and security technology that is indispensable for creating sustainable cities.

Moreover, in Japan, with the progress of sustainable urban development, the maintenance and repair of old infrastructure has become a social issue and the bridge industry, in particular, is said to be in the era of “major maintenance”. In response to these current societal demands, Kawakin Core-Tech answers with an entirely new vision: a flexible future.

“We are expanding our business from existing manufacturing to ‘one-stop-solutions’ that provide one-stop solutions for all needs related to structural and seismic devices that support social infrastructure,” said Shinkichi Suzuki, President and CEO of Kawakin Holdings Group.

“From analyzing the right device type to design and manufacturing that combines the quality and operability, maintenance and diagnostics necessary to maintain safety, we will provide the best answers to all your concerns, just like a ‘family doctor’,” he continued.

Kawakin Core-Tech’s suite of “Total Solutions” consists of the following main services:

Consulting: This will provide the best answers to all concerns regarding seismic devices, bearings and expansion joints based on their years of experience in manufacturing, surveying, maintenance and analysis. Design and Analysis: Leveraging over 70 years of experience, they have the ability to design optimal seismic and structural devices that meet the specific needs of a particular project. This will also include professional support for structural analysis. Inspection and Maintenance: His team of surveying, inspection and diagnostic specialists is able to identify and suggest maintenance, repair and retrofit strategies for existing structural and seismic devices. Manufacturing and Installation: The company will manufacture high quality, easy to install, reliable appliances and provide assistance in installing such appliances which comes with expert advice and detailed installation guides.

Known for providing seismic and structural instrumentation and specialized services to Europe, the US and Asia, through group companies in the US and factory in Vietnam, Kawakin Core-Tech is confidently entering the Philippine market in its bid to assist the country in disaster reduction and mitigate the devastation caused by frequent earthquakes.

The Philippines is located in the so-called “Ring of Fire”, where many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur on Earth. According to Philvolks, the country has more than 300 volcanoes and 24 of them are considered active.

Earthquake protection technologies are stored safely in the warehouse.

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In addition, the archipelago lies over a number of active seismic fractures or fault lines, which makes the Philippine territory vulnerable to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Kawakin Core-Tech’s seismic protection technologies can provide protection and safety for the residents and structures of the Philippines. Thus, the local application of their expertise, products and services is a welcome development that can help in strengthening and saving infrastructure such as buildings and bridges from the devastating effects of earthquakes.

Kawakin Core-Tech is a member of Kawakin Holdings Group, a manufacturer of seismic isolation devices with a history of 74 years dating back to the founding of Kawaguchi Metal.

The company is committed to developing more advanced technologies and products, not only for bridges, but also in the field of seismic isolation technology through three core technologies: casting and processing techniques, analysis and design techniques, and product efficiency, which we have developed as a leading manufacturer of bridge bearings.

Kawakin Holdings’ highest priority is to contribute to the creation of safe, secure, and comfortable lifestyles and social infrastructure.

For inquiries, contact Kawakin Core-Tech Co., Ltd. Ltd. via +81-48-259-1117 (English), or email, [email protected].




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