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5.58-magnitude earthquake hits northern Alberta causing waves

5.58-magnitude earthquake hits northern Alberta causing waves


Breadcrumb Trail Links Science Local News The approximate location of a 5.2-magnitude earthquake detected around 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Image via Submitted Article Content

A record-breaking earthquake in northern Alberta sent ripples across the province and attracted the interest of scientists beyond.

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On Tuesday evening, Earthquake Canada reported a 5.8-magnitude earthquake with a depth of 2 km and an epicenter 356 km northwest of Edmonton, with some residents reportedly feeling the seismic event.

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It followed a smaller 5.2-magnitude earthquake in the area just over an hour earlier, but both were recorded within a 30-kilometre radius of Reno, a small village 45 kilometers southeast of Peace River.

Seismologist Ryan Schultz told Postmedia in an interview that the larger quake was first reported at a magnitude of 6.0, but the Alberta Geological Survey’s seismic dashboard reports it as a magnitude of 5.58, making it the largest earthquake on record in the province.

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“Previously, the largest earthquake ever recorded in Alberta was a 5.4 in 2001 at Dawson Creek,” said Schultz, who has studied Alberta earthquakes and holds a PhD in geophysics at Stanford University in California.

As of Wednesday evening, Earthquakes Canada’s community intensity map, which provides earthquake experiences from the public, had seen 335 responses from as far north as High Level, about 300 kilometers north of the epicenter, to Calgary, about 750 kilometers southeast of the site.

The Peace River region is known for seismic activity, but the larger quake’s magnitude was surprising to Jeff Guo, a professor of geophysics at the University of Alberta, because previous earthquakes in the region have generally been smaller.

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“It started creeping in on amounts that could be harmful — six degrees or more,” said Joe. “Children under the age of five are certainly old enough to be a cause for concern.”

However, Gu added, additional study of the larger quake over the coming days may yield more accurate results in terms of magnitude, location and timing.

Schultz said that scientists like him are interested in studying the larger earthquake to understand whether it had natural or induced (i.e. human) causes.

“If it’s normal,” he said, “it’s basically just something you have to live with — it’s just a fact of that natural process that’s still going on.” “But if it does, there is likely something that can be done about it.”

Schultz said that while natural earthquakes are more common to residents of places like British Columbia and California, they’re almost unheard of in Alberta.

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Subducting plates in British Columbia, below the North American continental plate, can push and force the landmass, Schultz said, causing a stress that can travel more than 1,000 kilometers into Alberta.

“That stress and pressure that builds up from this process is occasionally released by something called an earthquake — you have a fault somewhere and it slides down quickly, releasing that energy,” he said.

However, Schultz said, the majority of earthquakes that occur in Alberta are caused by them.

“They are caused by people – either by fracking, disposal operations or production processes in the oil and gas industry, and there is a long recorded history of earthquakes associated with that,” he said.

– With files from Anna Juncker

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