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A 5.6-magnitude earthquake strikes the Russian Caucasus region

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake strikes the Russian Caucasus region


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said a December 7 attack on the town of Kurakhovo in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region killed 10 people, while the chief operator of the national power grid, Okrynerho, said Russian forces had fired more than 1,000 rockets and missiles. in the country’s energy infrastructure since the beginning of the war.

In his nightly video address, Zelensky said that the attack on Korakhovo was “extremely brutal and completely calculated” and killed “peaceful people, normal people” in a market, a grain elevator, a gas station, a bus stop and in an apartment building.

Live Briefing: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

RFE/RL’s live briefing gives you all the latest developments on the ongoing Russian invasion, Kyiv’s counter-offensive, Western military aid, global backlash, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL’s coverage of the war, click here.

“The list of the dead so far includes 10 people, many of them wounded,” he said.

Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of Ukraine’s presidential administration, said that Russian forces had bombed Korakhovo from multiple rocket launchers. The city was among the hotspots of fighting in the Donbass region.

Tymoshenko posted video footage of the burning buildings on Telegram.

Tymoshenko wrote: “Terrorists are inhuman.” And they will be held accountable for that.”

Tymoshenko also said that Russian forces bombed the settlement of Pechenhe in the Kharkiv region.

He said that the air defense forces shot down two Russian missiles, citing the commander of the village, Oleksandr Husarov. He reported that one of the rockets that landed fell on the outskirts of the village. Hit the other roughly in the middle. There were no injuries.

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The Kharkiv region, the regional center in particular, is regularly attacked by Russian forces.

And in the Zaporozhye region, the head of the regional military administration, Oleksandr Starukh, said all the victims of recent Russian attacks on the region are in serious condition.

Among them is a 15-year-old girl, whose father and a woman were wounded during the bombing in Oreshov.

Speaking on the RFE / RL program, he said that the bombing a few nights ago injured a little girl in Novosofiyivka. He said that her parents were in serious condition and her grandfather and grandmother had passed away, and he vowed to provide assistance to everyone who needed it.

Battlefield claims cannot be independently verified.

Ukraine’s head Volodymyr Kudritsky told a meeting arranged by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) that although more than 1,000 rockets and missiles have been fired at Ukraine’s power grid, it is still operational.

Kudritsky also said his officials are scouring the world for the complex equipment needed for repairs, according to Ukraine’s Interfax news agency.

Eight waves of recent Russian airstrikes on critical infrastructure have severely damaged the network and triggered emergency and planned outages across the country.

“These attacks represent the biggest blow to an electricity grid that humanity has ever seen,” Kudritsky was quoted as saying. But he said the system was still working.

Officials said early on December 7 that Russian forces had attacked several Ukrainian regions with kamikaze drones and heavy artillery on December 6.

Yaroslav Yanushevich, the head of the regional military administration, said on December 7 that Russian forces had shelled the district 51 times in Kherson, killing two people.

Dnipropetrovsk Governor Valentin Reznichenko said that Ukrainian forces destroyed all Russian drones in the attack that took place last night.

“Military guys from the Eastern Air Command did a great job. We shot down all 8 enemy drones that the enemy directed into the area,” Reznichenko wrote on Telegram.

He said that the Russian bombing targeted the Nikopol region and city, and damaged gas pipelines, homes and agricultural buildings, but no one was injured.

“Nikopol suffered the most. Up to ten private houses, farm buildings and gas pipelines in the city were damaged. Several shops, office buildings and a college were destroyed by Russian shells,” he said.

With Reuters and AP reporting




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