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Taupo earthquake: more than 680 aftershocks, 30 landslides and a beach that disappeared overnight

Taupo earthquake: more than 680 aftershocks, 30 landslides and a beach that disappeared overnight


Written by Matthew Martin of

Aftershocks continued on Friday after the 5.6 quake occurred at 11.47pm on 30 November. Photo: Geonet

More than 680 aftershocks, 30 landslides and a beach that disappeared into the depths are among the early observations of scientists who were analyzing the aftermath of the 5.7-magnitude earthquake that struck Lake Taupo late last month.

GNS Science has released its latest update on the quake, upgrading the magnitude from 5.6 to 5.7 after analyzing more extensive data.

Experts have been busy collecting and analyzing data to understand what exactly happened during and after the M5.7 earthquake that struck at 11.47pm on Wednesday, November 30, 15km southwest of Taupo.

GNS said the magnitude and rate of aftershocks had begun to decrease but the aftershocks were expected to continue for several weeks.

As of Wednesday, the GNS has recorded more than 680 aftershocks, the last of which was M3.4 on Dec. 12.

“Within the next 30 days, there is an 11 percent chance (extremely unlikely) that an earthquake of magnitude 5 or greater will occur in the Taupo region.

“In addition to the ground shaking during the earthquake, our sensitive GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System – commonly referred to as GPS) instruments measured ground motion in and around Lake Taupo.

“Our instrument in the Horomatangi Reef moved 18 cm up during the earthquake and 25 cm to the southeast, which is the largest ground motion ever recorded at this site.”

A small tsunami also generated in Lake Taupo the night of the earthquake.

The waves traversed the lake and rose a few meters across many beaches, leaving behind some strands of pumice, sticks and sand.

“The larger rise at Wharewaka Point, where the beach is known to have set back about 20 metres, may be related to a possible underwater landslide.”

Cracked and fallen soil on the shore of Lake Taube after the November 30 earthquake. Photo: Geonet

GNS said that in some places the lake had been undermined by waves and small areas of a meter or so had collapsed.

However, significant changes occurred at Wharewaka Point near Taupō, with significant foreshore and beach erosion, stranding pumice debris to about 40 meters inland from the lake.

“We are running computer models of tsunamis to understand how they are generated and spread across the lake. We are also investigating the specific cause of the impacts at Wharewaka Point.”

GNS said more than 30 landslide events were triggered by the M5.7 earthquake.

“This is not unexpected, given the intensity of the shaking and the timing of the earthquake, which followed several weeks of particularly wet weather.”

Most of the landslides were small slides on steep slopes near roads, while larger rock falls were identified near the epicenter near Hattaba.

On the white cliffs along the eastern coast north of Ktepe, a several hundred meter long section of cliffs collapsed into the lake, creating a large white column of sediment that could be seen stretching north along the coast several days after the earthquake. .

“The most notable ground movement caused by the earthquake was 15 kilometers north of the epicenter, at Wariwaka Point.

An underwater landslide has likely occurred at the site of the popular swimming beach, causing 170 meters of shoreline to sink into the lagoon, with a maximum setback of up to 20 metres.

“While it is still under investigation, it is possible that a beach collapse into the lake pulled water in behind it, creating local tsunamis that swept the picnic area behind.”

Underwater landslides are known to be some of the largest landslides on Earth and can trigger tsunamis, however, there is currently no evidence to suggest that the Wharewaka Point landslide triggered the largest lake level tsunami ever observed after this earthquake .

Small volcanic disturbances have been ongoing at Taupo volcano since May 2022 and the volcanic activity level was raised to 1 in September 2022.

*This story originally appeared on Stuff.




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