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An aquarium explosion in Berlin was recorded as an earthquake as one million liters of water crashed through a hotel in a tsunami

An aquarium explosion in Berlin was recorded as an earthquake as one million liters of water crashed through a hotel in a tsunami


A million-liter tsunami swept through a hotel lobby after the largest fish tank in the world exploded under a shower of glass.

The massive rupture of the tank was so strong that it caused an earthquake recorded on the Richter scale.


The blast caused extensive damage to the four-star hotelCredit: AP: Associated Press


The huge fish tank exploded and sent glass water and tropical fish into the street


Two people were injured when a fish tank explodedCredit: EPA


A dead fish lies among the rubble in front of the Radisson Blu Hotel in Berlin Credit: AFP


The explosion of the huge aquarium sent glass water and fish out onto the streetCredit: AP


The huge aquarium in Berlin held 1,500 tropical fish Credit: Twitter/Radisson Blu Berlin

About 1,500 fish died when a giant 82-foot tank exploded at a four-star hotel in Berlin, Germany, on Friday.

AquaDom, the largest cylindrical tank in the world, is located in the Radisson Blu Hotel.

A wave of debris engulfed the building, as a million liters of water gushed out of the sump shortly before 6 am.

Broken glass, twisted metal, and dying fish were swept into the street by the flood from the aquarium.

German seismographers Erdbyben Deutschland took part in capturing the seismograph at the moment the tank exploded.

They confirmed that the water that fell to the ground reappeared as a magnitude 1.2 earthquake

Investigators are now trying to piece together what caused the reservoir to explode – with the current leading theory being cold temperatures.

Witnesses heard a loud explosion and a siren sounded in the building when the water wall broke through the hallway doors.

Pictures taken afterwards appear to show the hotel as a war zone, with the destruction and parts of the building captured.

Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffe called the accident a “real tsunami” and said it was fortunate that no one was killed in the disaster.

The Berlin fire service said two people were injured – and they searched the rubble with rescue dogs for any other victims.

“I heard a very loud crash and saw that the big fishbowl was broken,” a witness told rbb24.

“Then I looked ahead and saw that there was a lot of furniture lying in the street and then I realized that the fish tank had just exploded and things had been swept away.”

Fire service spokesman Adrian Wenzel said: “We haven’t yet been able to walk through the entire first floor, which is most likely where these fish will be.

“But the thing is, the water has completely leaked out and about 1,400 fish that were in this aquarium couldn’t be saved.”

There was speculation that freezing temperatures that dropped to -10 °C overnight caused the tank to crack, then burst under the weight of the water.

“If the aquarium is faulty, it suddenly explodes,” a spokesman for the fire brigade told German newspaper Bild.

Police said there was no evidence that the accident resulted from an attack.

About 300 guests and staff were evacuated from the hotel surrounding the aquarium.

Sandra Weisser, a German lawmaker who was staying at the hotel, said she was awakened by a loud noise and thought there might be an earthquake.

“There are shards (glass) everywhere. The furniture, everything is flooded,” she said.

“It’s a bit like a war zone.”

Another hotel guest named Christian said: “We heard a loud crackling, and then we woke up.

“My wife said something went through the window. I got up shortly afterwards and saw that the fish tank, which had been still standing yesterday and had been cleaned from the inside, had collapsed.”

State Secretary Markus Kamrad, 51, revealed that some of the fish that survived the blast had been taken to the local zoo.

The AquaDom was the world’s largest free-standing cylindrical aquarium which cost around £11.2m when it first opened in 2004.

The massive attraction was home to about 100 different species of tropical fish, which can be viewed up close with a specially designed elevator.

It closed in October 2019, and reopened about 18 months ago after “modernization work”.


Aquadom was destroyed in the explosionCredit: AP


The aquarium was a popular tourist attractionCredit: AP




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