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Study reveals that animals can detect earthquakes before they happen


A new study revealed an important study that animals can detect earthquakes before they occur, and the researchers used scientific tools to measure the behavior of animals before the earthquake, and the reactions of animals depend on their distance from the epicenter.

A new study revealed that animals are able to detect and interact with the earthquake before it occurs. This phenomenon can serve as a possible prediction system for predicting seismic activity.

There were anecdotal stories of animals feeling an imminent earthquake. These reports stated that wild animals left their sleeping and nesting places before a strong earthquake. Likewise, pets and other pets exhibit unusual behavior before the earthquake.

However, since the unusual behavior of animals can be caused by a number of factors, a scientific approach is needed to determine if they can really feel an impending earthquake.

In a recent study published in the Wiley Online Library, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior in Konstanz / Radolfzell and the Center for Advanced Study of Group Behavior visited a farm in Italy in an earthquake prone area.

To accurately measure animal reactions, they installed accelerometers on two dogs, five sheep and six cows. The tools are designed to monitor animal movements.

During the study period, which lasted several months, about 18,000 earthquakes were detected in the area. The researchers noted that 12 of these earthquakes had a strength of four or higher on the Richter scale.

After reviewing the data they collected, researchers saw a pattern in the movements of test animals during earthquakes. According to the researchers, they discovered unusual behavior patterns of animals up to 20 hours before the earthquake.

For researchers, this result indicates that the animals ’reaction depends on their distance from the epicenter of the impending earthquake.

“The closer the animals are to the impending shock center, the sooner they will change their behavior,” Martin Wickelski, the lead author of the study, explained in a statement. “This is exactly what you would expect when material changes happen more frequently in the epicenter of the impending earthquake and get weaker as the distance increases.”

The researchers indicated that they were only able to recognize the pattern when they analyzed data collected from animals collectively.

“Collectively, animals seem to exhibit unrecognizable capabilities on an individual level,” Wickelski noted.

A sheep tied to a tree was spotted in Brooklyn. Here, a sheep stands in a field in Conde-sur-Resle, northwest France, January 2, 2019. Photo: Joel Saget / AFP / Getty Images)


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