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Chancellor’s £ 30 trillion Employment Plan ‘reveals massive unemployment’ – BBC News


Chancellor Rishi Suna has unveiled a £ 30bn spending program following massive unemployment and a long economic crisis following the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement to the House of Command, Suna outlined a number of measures: – Companies will pay a thousand kilos to each employee brought in from the furlough, and will remain in employment until at least next January. – A £ 2,000 million scheme for under-25s to create thousands of jobs and bring young people to work. Stamp debt has been suspended in England and Northern Ireland for sales of up to £ 500,000. – VAT will be reduced from 20% to 5% on food, accommodation and attractions until next January. There will be a 50% discount in participating restaurants in August. It costs up to £ 10, Monday to Wednesday In previous months they have had difficulty deciding what to do with their passionate employees. The improvement in job retention is intended to pay £ 1,000 for employers to employees who are retained and retained at work until the end of January 2021. The employee must be paid at least £ 520 a month. The Furlough program will end in October. It has been the state’s largest economic intervention since World War II. Then the amounts will be the new measures of the chancellor – and how will the Treasury pay all the money? Huw Edwards has presented reports from BBC News at Ten News to political editor Laura Kuenssberg, political correspondent Alex Forsyth, Sarah Corker in Manchester, business correspondent David Darshini and business editor Simon Jack. Subscribe HERE .



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