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OES: Earthquake recovery assistance available

OES: Earthquake recovery assistance available


As recovery efforts continue in the Eel River Valley after Tuesday’s 6.4-magnitude earthquake that left dozens of homes with red flags and water infrastructure in Rio Del badly damaged, the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services has put together a list of services available to those affected.

The list, reproduced in full below, includes everything from drinking water, food, and shelter to clean-up assistance, grants, and mental health counseling services. It also includes places where local people who were not affected by the earthquake can donate to organizations that help those in need.

The earthquake, which struck at 2:34 a.m. on Tuesday, injured at least 18 people, with two deaths from medical emergencies that occurred during or immediately after the quake. While the shaking was felt from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Oregon border, east to Redding, and caused power outages in most of Humboldt County, the Elle River Valley communities were hardest hit.

See the full version of OES copied below.

December 22, 2022 | Humboldt OES recovery information

Recovery efforts continue after Tuesday’s M6.4 earthquake. The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) remains active and is coordinating with local, regional and state partners to provide resources to earthquake-affected communities.

Earthquake-affected community members can obtain Red Cross cleaning kits consisting of a mop, broom, cleaning brush, sponge, all-purpose cleaner, gloves, mask and bucket, for free at the Rio Dell Fire Hall. Citizens of Rio Del can use two dumpsters located outside Rio Del City Hall, at 675 Wildwood Avenue, to dispose of earthquake debris. Please do not dispose of hazardous waste in these containers. Hazardous items that are not suitable for disposal in these receptacles include leftover household products that can catch fire, react or explode under certain conditions, or be corrosive or toxic as household hazardous waste. Products such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides can contain hazardous ingredients and require special care when disposing of them. More information about hazardous waste disposal can be found at:

Support Services Distribution of food, water and facilities is moved from Rio Dell Fire Hall to the middle school.

Monument Middle School: 95 Center St, Rio Dell, CA 95562

Bottled water (amount depends on number of occupants per household) Portable showers Charging stations (for cell phones or other electronic devices) Portable toilets American Red Cross snacks Overnight shelter: Rohner Park Firefighters Pavilion, located at 9 Park Street, Fortuna , California

Shelter cots and blankets hygiene kits snacks and full meals for overnight guests water charging stations portable bathrooms housing and state programs The Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services deployed a mobile outreach team to support community members affected by the earthquake. Staff are located at the Rio Dell Fire Hall and assist residents with food, water, and other necessities. The staff is also available to help community members apply for services, such as CalFresh, and provide housing resources. Current CalFresh recipients who have lost food due to a power outage or earthquake can also request replacement benefits by filling out CF Form 303 on the state’s website here, by logging into their account or by stopping by Rio Dell Fire Auditorium, 50th Street. Center in Rio del Rio or a DHHS office.

Mental health help An earthquake and its aftermath can be physically and emotionally draining. Talk to your family about how they feel. Children and the elderly are of particular concern in the aftermath of disasters. Behavioral health staff, including a licensed psychologist, are on site in Rio Del and available to speak with community members who need mental health support.

Additional resources available at DHHS:

24-Hour Adult Protective Services Hotline Number 707-476-2100 24-Hour Child Care Services Hotline Number 707-445-6180 Behavioral Health Warm Line 707-268-2999 Behavioral Health 24-Hour Crisis Line 707-445 -7715 The Northern California Indian Development Council (NCIDC) is accepting applications from income-eligible American Indian families, Alaska Native families, and Native Hawaiians affected by the earthquake. NCIDC can help with the cost of hot water tank repairs, heating system repairs, and similar health and safety issues resulting from earthquake damage. They also provide food assistance due to failed refrigeration, and may customize case management responses to other issues as needed and on a qualified basis.

NCIDC intake is online at: You can also call them at 707-445-8451 (or toll free 800-566-2381) and ask for emergency services to discuss the pick-up process and determine your eligibility for services with the case manager.

Business Support Humboldt County Business Recovery Survey 2022 Local earthquake-affected businesses are required to complete a business recovery survey created by GoHumCo County Economic Development Department. This survey will be used to track, monitor and measure business losses in Humboldt County after the earthquake. Total losses will be collected and shared with state and federal agencies as we seek outside support for our community. The survey can be accessed here:

The Small Business Development Center, RREDC, and GoHumCo recording of the business community’s December 21 informational meeting on the earthquake can be viewed online at:

Vocality Community Credit Union gives short-term grants to businesses for immediate needs such as plywood to cover broken windows. For more information, contact:

The Humboldt Area Foundation and Wild Rivers Community Foundation are available to assist nonprofits, tribal agencies, and service agencies in determining grant funding. Contact: [email protected], 707-442-2993.

Water safety Water has been restored for approximately 90% of the city’s customers, however, the entire city is still under advisory supervision to boil water. If you have water, boil it for at least one minute or use bottled water for drinking and food preparation until further notice. The water is safe for showering and non-consumptive activities. For more information visit: Emergency/dwa-comm-toolbox/before/tools/What-to-Do-During-a-Boil-Water-Advisory.docx

Residents are advised to turn the water on periodically to allow trapped air to escape. Dwellings with multiple floors are required to run the water from the highest location (for example, the highest shower head in your home).

Boil Water Advisory Notice has been raised for the community of Fortuna in Forest Hills.

Restoring Communications In response to the failure of the communications infrastructure within the Rio Dell community due to the earthquake, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and Verizon have provided the community with the following resources to restore connectivity while equipment is being repaired:

WiFi hotspot and charging station to a Red Cross night shelter. A remote control Satellite Trailer Emission Equipment (STEER) device provides cellular and Internet connectivity to the Rio Del community. Cell on Wheels (COW) provides cellular coverage to affected communities. The Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services is not currently accepting physical donations. To make a financial donation to help the response, you can directly:

Rio Dell Fire Department- Venmo: @ RioDellFire-Department, GoFundMe: or by mail to 50 W Center St. Rio Dell, CA 95562 comAmerican Red Cross: 1-800-435-7669, STAY INFORMED The most important thing you can do while a community is in recovery is stay informed.

Sign up to receive Humboldt County Emergency Alerts at: Subscribe to OES newsletters at: For updated information regarding the Humboldt County earthquake response, please go to Emergency and visit @HumCoOES at Facebook and Twitter, or call 2500-268707.




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