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Address questions about earthquake behavior, including safety precautions

Address questions about earthquake behavior, including safety precautions


A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Northern California early Tuesday, killing at least two people, damaging infrastructure and knocking out tens of thousands of electricity.

“The most likely scenario is that this is followed by a series of less severe earthquakes,” the USGS wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

According to USGS estimates, there is a greater than 99% chance of magnitude 3 and above aftershocks during the next week, but only a 13% chance of magnitude 5 and above aftershocks.

What is an aftershock?

(Photo: KOHSAR/AFP actor via Getty Images)

Aftershocks are small earthquakes that occur in the days, months, or years following an earthquake. These are modest adjustments made near faults or areas of stress during an earthquake.

Aftershocks can occur in the thousands and can be harmful or even fatal. The “main shock” is the strongest activity felt during an earthquake.

To characterize the behavior of aftershocks, seismologists commonly use Bath’s law, Gutenberg-Richter’s law, and Omori’s law.

According to Bath’s rule, aftershocks are generally 1.2 units smaller than the main shock.

Based on the Gutenberg-Richter scale, each unit decrease in earthquake magnitude should result in ten times as many aftershocks.

Meanwhile, according to Omori’s law, the number of aftershocks will decrease over time, according to the Seismology Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.

Swarms, which are series of small earthquakes associated with geothermal activity but lacking a recognizable main shock, should not be confused with aftershocks.

Earthquakes occur in the same place as major earthquakes. The prognostic may be misidentified as the main shock until even greater shock occurs afterwards.

Aftershocks and aftershocks cannot be greater than the main shock.

Slipping on a fault, which is a fault area between two blocks of rock, causes earthquakes.

Tectonic plates move, but their edges remain stationary until tension overcomes the friction that usually keeps them in place.

This causes the remainder of the mass to shift, causing energy waves to propagate through the Earth’s crust. These seismic waves pass through the earth, causing an earthquake.

Also read: At least 65 people were killed by a 6.5-magnitude earthquake in southwest China

What can I do to prepare for an earthquake?

Start by moving furniture such as bookshelves away from beds, couches, and other places where people sit, sleep, or spend a lot of time.

Place heavy items on the lower shelves.

Then secure items such as televisions, laptops, bookcases, furniture, untethered water heaters, etc. See the “Getting Started” section below, in addition to the Page List, which offers comprehensive help pages for many common items.

Arranging for an earthquake or other disaster is like planning a party or holiday.

Make sure your emergency plan contains evacuation and reunification arrangements, the name and phone number of an out-of-state contact person, the location of your emergency supplies, and other key information.

Finally, run periodic earthquake “drills” to practice your strategy, and share them with people who take care of your kids, pets, or your home.

Everyone should have emergency supplies in easy-to-reach places at home, at work, and in their cars. Having emergency supplies on hand can help you and your family deal with an earthquake or other disaster.

You can put anything you want everywhere:

Under-bed bags store shoes, a flashlight, and other belongings in case an earthquake strikes while you sleep.

When an evacuation is required, emergency bags or car packs include provisions of about three days.

Home or business supplies are for people who plan to stay somewhere for up to two weeks or for larger groups.

Earthquakes may only last seconds, but they can wreak havoc on our lives for weeks or months. You can reduce your financial stress by getting important papers in order, fortifying your property (house or other building), and considering earthquake insurance.

Most homes, apartment complexes, and commercial buildings are not as safe as they might be, especially if they are more than 30 years old.

While building codes have evolved over time, few call for defects in older structures to be repaired. However, there are things you can do to improve the structural integrity of your home or other structure.

Related article: Strong earthquake hits the Solomon Islands, causing immediate evacuation and tsunami alert

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