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In Mexico, Seventh Day Adventist leaders opened a new regional office five years after the earthquake

In Mexico, Seventh Day Adventist leaders opened a new regional office five years after the earthquake


Five years after an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck Oaxaca, Mexico, killing nearly 100 people and damaging more than 110,000 homes and facilities, the Seventh-day Adventist Church opened a new conference office building to serve the church and the growing community. during a private party.

“The opening of this new building represents steady progress in consolidating the church in this area and also represents a tool for continuing to get the job done,” said Rev. Abraham Sandoval, President of the Transoceanic Mexican Federation. Sandoval spoke to dozens of local church leaders and members of the Isthmian Conference in Matias Romero de Avendano, Oaxaca, on November 13, 2022.

Front entrance to the recently opened new headquarters of the Isthmian Convention of Seventh-day Adventists in Oaxaca [Photo: Armando Lagunes]

The earthquake, which struck thousands of communities on September 7, 2017, rallied the church across state lines to help those who lost their homes. Since 2012, the conference’s main office has been operating in a house converted into an office building in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, but after the earthquake, it was declared unsafe. Conference managers and staff had to divide its operations among different locations.

Rev. José Luis Ramírez, secretary of the Isthmian Congress, publicly thanked God for His care with the resources and means to build the new facility. The new office is much larger, with natural greenery surrounding it, Ramirez said, and is less prone to earthquakes. “We think so [new office] It will bring a new impulse to the mission of the Church, and we believe it is an important step to prepare people who are awaiting the soon coming of Jesus Christ. “

There are more spacious offices, a conference room for 30 people, a conference room for 150 people, a media studio, cafeteria space, and several storage rooms, Ramirez explained. “There are many other positive aspects of the new conference facility, with plenty of trees, green space, and ample parking.”

Pastors Aaron Umaña, Executive Secretary and Antonio Rosas, Treasurer of the Mexican Transoceanic Federation, unveil the commemorative plaque for the inauguration ceremony held on November 13, 2022. [Photo: Armando Lagunes]

Church leaders made the decision to look for another location, given that there had been serious structural damage to the administrative offices in Juchitán de Zaragoza, and they focused further away from the aftershocks and more toward the place with the greatest concentration of membership, about 60 minutes away in the Matías Romero district of Oaxaca, he explained. Ramirez.

The Isthmus Conference is one of 11 conferences and missions run by the Mexican Transoceanic Federation that oversees part of the state, which has 203 churches and more than 22,000 church members.

When church leaders and members gathered during the opening ceremony, Rev. Sandoval reminded them that it was important for the church’s conference office to have a more visible identity in the area so that the job could be done more assertively.

The former building of the Isthmus Congress in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, Mexico, before an earthquake damaged its structure in 2017. [Photo: Isthmus Conference]

Sandoval listed convention desk jobs in the area. “The current mission is to stimulate spiritual growth, to serve as a focal point for evangelism strategies, to motivate pastors and members to disciple others, and to aim to become an effective communication center and center for community outreach activities, as well as one that can meet the needs of children, youth and adults.

Church administrators and leaders prayed for the church and its mission in the area before touring the new facility. The opening of the new Isthmus conference building kicked off site union leadership meetings and local plenary sessions.

The original version of this story was posted on the Pan-American Division website.





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