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IRAN: Operation DREF Sisakht Earthquake No. MDRIR004 – Final Report – Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IRAN: Operation DREF Sisakht Earthquake No. MDRIR004 – Final Report – Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IRAN: Operation DREF Sisakht Earthquake No. MDRIR004 – Final Report – Iran (Islamic Republic of)



description of the disaster

On February 17, according to the Iranian Seismological Center, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck the country. The epicenter was 11 km from the city of Sisekht, 19 km from the city of Madovan, and 20 km from the city of Kumme in Isfahan Province. Based on the size and distance to the populated areas around, a number of 19 cities with a population of 257,661 people and 1,144 villages were affected. due to the disaster. Six aftershocks have been reported, the largest of which has a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter scale. According to the COVID-19 death rate and the extent of the disease outbreak, the Iranian authorities have divided the country into regions. The COVID-19 red zone was the hardest hit by the earthquake. Not only the earthquake, but also the outbreak of the Coronavirus caused major disruptions to livelihoods.

Response summary

Overview of the working National Assembly

The Iraqi Red Crescent was established in 1922 and became affiliated with the International Federation in 1924. It employs more than 8,500 employees and about 1.5 million volunteers, and they are active through the Youth Organization, the Volunteers Organization, and the Relief and Rescue Organization. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society has 500 local branches across the country. The National Society has strong auxiliary links with the government and is mandated, under the Crisis Management Act, to conduct search and rescue activities, relief services and emergency shelter provision. In addition, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society is responsible for raising public awareness of disaster preparedness, including providing relevant educational activities.

On the first day of the earthquake, a total of 147 villages were quickly assessed by the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (121 villages in Kohjeluy-Boyer Ahmed, and 26 in Isfahan). Five emergency ambulances have been deployed to provide basic healthcare services to the injured. Two emergency camps were set up for people in need, while most of those affected were reluctant to stay in the camps and preferred to stay in their yards. Therefore, it was decided to distribute one emergency family tent per family to those families with urgent needs. Sixty-three were injured, 36 of whom received outpatient care from the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, and seven people were taken to the medical clinic by the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.

Immediately since the outbreak of the disaster, and in line with the urgent needs of the affected population, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society has reached 12,130 people through the distribution of 3,331 relief tents, 945 blankets, 6,644 kilograms of plastic sheeting, 214 sets of heaters, and 1,965 food parcels. . (for 72 hours) and 70 floor cards. In addition, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society has reached a total of 3,500 families with unconditional cash grants through bank transfers.

Five relief and rescue teams consisting of 25 people from Najafabad, Tiran, Kroon, Falavarjan and Zarinshahr were dispatched to the affected areas of the Sishakhet earthquake to distribute relief materials.

During the operation, 55 heavy vehicles and 62 light vehicles were deployed, in addition to 289 operational personnel. The basic health care unit of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society provided emergency health services to those in need in the earthquake-affected areas. Also, 125,000 face masks and 1,250 liters of disinfectants were distributed to those affected.

The Iraqi Red Crescent Society’s Psychosocial Support (PSS) teams have also been dispatched to the earthquake-affected areas to provide psychosocial support to affected people, especially children.




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