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edit | 28 Years After The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, Lesson Learned To ‘Help Each Other’

edit |  28 Years After The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, Lesson Learned To ‘Help Each Other’


It’s been 28 years since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in January 1995 claimed more than 6,000 lives.

Some memorial events that were canceled or scaled back due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis have returned to a pre-pandemic level for the first time in three years. However, an estimated 50,000 people were expected to attend the “1.17 Festival” held at Higashi Yuenchi Park in Chuo Ward in Kobe City.

On the other hand, the number of schools and kindergartens in Hyogo Prefecture holding silent prayers decreased by 140 as of 2022. Although the time may have passed, January 17 is still a day of prayer for the souls of the dead.

But even as we mourn the victims, we must use this day to ensure that the lessons learned from that tragedy are passed on to future generations.

The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was a natural disaster of a scale that most people have long forgotten. With highway buildings and railway stations collapsing and sites ablaze in flames across Kobe, the city of 1.5 million has been paralyzed.

It is estimated that 70% of those rescued from the rubble were not rescued by firefighters, police or SDF personnel. Instead, they are rescued by family members and neighbors.

The words “1995 1.17” appear in Higashi Yuenchi Park at 5:33 PM on January 17, the 28th anniversary of the Great Hanshin Awajima Earthquake. (© Sankei by Takanobu Sawano) Living with earthquake hazards

It cannot be denied that the initial response by the central government and local authorities was very slow. One lesson we should learn from this experience is that in the immediate aftermath of a large-scale disaster “the fire engines, ambulances and rescue teams may not arrive.” So residents have to prepare for worst case scenarios as well.

Commemoration of the 28th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awajima Earthquake in Kobe. (© Sankei by Tomoichiro Takekawa)

Unfortunately, Japan is an earthquake-prone land. Earthquakes centered directly under a particular location (central earthquakes) may occur anywhere throughout the Japanese archipelago.

Moreover, seismologists warn that a massive earthquake should be expected in the Nankai Basin during the 2030s. Meanwhile, there is a 70% chance that a major earthquake will occur directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area within the next three decades.

Since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, every time a major natural disaster occurs, we’ve learned anew the importance of “preparation.” For example, we were struck by these lessons in the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and the torrential rains that struck western Japan in 2018.

The importance of being prepared

But what is being prepared for a disaster? It means helping ourselves by taking steps to prevent furniture in our homes from tipping over or items falling over. Moreover, it means familiarizing yourself with risk maps and being prepared. These measures have become commonplace and normal in recent years.

Advertisement Families celebrate the 28th anniversary of the Great Hanshin Awajima Earthquake. (© Sanki by Kotaro Hikono)

However, what about mutual aid in local communities? Since the beginning of the protracted COVID-19 crisis, people have been avoiding contact with others and unnecessarily stepping out of our homes.

However, do you know what kind of people live in your area? Besides, can you count on them in an emergency? do you need help? Or can you help someone else? Are you confident that you understand what you may need to do?

Self-help is not very effective if your only concern is saving yourself. Mutual aid – helping others – is important.

Of course, the basis of mutual assistance is based on strong bonds. It may be the family bonds between parents and children that make them willing to protect each other. Or, when people are intent on helping those important to them, this may include standing up for their community. These sentiments should be encouraged and spread.

We must preserve the memories of the earthquake and the lessons learned from it from fading and link them to the future.

This is the responsibility of not only the residents of the affected areas, but also everyone who lives today.


(Read the editorial in Japanese.)

Author: Editorial Board, The Sankei Shimbun




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