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CM urges 8 earthquakes to hit since June 18: CM urges center to facilitate study of “ground situation” by seismologists


He said that aftershocks were recorded in the region on more than fifty occasions, adding that the earthquakes caused the destruction of many homes, community halls and religious places.

On Friday, the Mizoram government urged the center to provide assistance and send seismologists to the state to study “ground conditions” as a series of earthquakes have hit parts of the state over the past few weeks.

In a letter addressed to Minister of Confederation and Mines Pralhad Joshi, Prime Minister Zoramathanga said that the Chambhai region in the eastern part of the state has been affected several times by seismic activities ranging from 4.2 to 5.5 degrees since June 21.

He said that aftershocks were recorded in the region on more than fifty occasions, adding that the earthquakes caused the destruction of many homes, community halls and religious places.

“In this regard, I ask you to kindly provide assistance to this country … Experts seismologists or geographical physicists can be sent from the Geological Survey of India to Mizoram to study and assess the ground situation as soon as possible,” Zoramthanga wrote in his letter to Joshi.

The Prime Minister said that repeated earthquakes added to people’s psychological pressures at a time when they were already affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.

In many areas, people have set up temporary tents, where they can spend the night, as many people doubt sleep inside.

Zoramathanga also asked the Federation Minister to expedite the study to determine the feasibility of installing more seismic centers in the eastern part of Mizoram with seismic measurement in real time for disaster preparedness.

According to the Prime Minister, the extent of damage caused by the recent earthquakes is assessed by the departments of Geology and Mineral Resources, Trade and Industry with the assistance of geologists from the GSI-Mizoram unit.

Eight earthquakes have rocked Mizoram since June 18, hitting the border area of ​​Chamhai with the hardest hit Myanmar.

Maria CT Zawali, Deputy Commissioner of the Chamba District, told PTI that at least 158 ​​homes, including church buildings and community halls, were damaged in the earthquakes, as were the neighboring areas of Sittwal, Seha and Serchep.

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